Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Super Smash Bros. Fighters – Fire Emblem series – 05 Robin

Super Smash Bros. Fighters – Fire Emblem series – 05 Robin


In the Fire Emblem series: Fire Emblem Awakening (2012)
In the Super Smash Bros. series: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U (2014)

Boxing Ring Title: The Tactician Magician

Theme Song: Id (Purpose) Remix

Robin is one of the three main protagonists of "Fire Emblem Awakening." Robin is the tactician of Chrom's Shepherds Army, leading them against various odds to victory. Robin does his best to ensure that everyone in the army will make it out alive.

Robin also serves as the player's avatar, and as such can be customized to the player’s liking. The player can choose Robin's gender, age (teenager, young adult, older adult), facial appearance and hair color. They can then input Robin's Birthday, change Robin's name, modify their voice to one of three options (three for male, three for female) and choose Robin's best and worst stat. The Super Smash Bros. goes with the male Robin’s default look. (Young adult)

In the past, Robin was born to Validar and an unknown woman. Both of his parents are part of a cult called Grimleal, who have spent centuries trying to create the perfect human host to revive the Fell Dragon, Grima. The Grimleal have managed to finally find the perfect host: Robin, who bears Grima's Brand on his right hand. The entire cult was happy that they can finally revive Grima... but Robin's mother soon became overrun with fear of the prospect, and during the night, she fled the Grimleal with her son in tow. The members of the Grimleal, as well as her ex-husband, hunted the two down for years, but they were never able to find them.

Years later, Robin is found sleeping in a field by the prince of Ylisse, Chrom, as well as Chrom's sister Lissa and their personal guard Frederick. Robin awakens with no memories of his life other than his name, his fighting capabilities, and - surprisingly - knowing Chrom’s name. Though Frederick is suspicious of him, Chrom decides to trust Robin and takes him in.

Just then, a nearby village is under attack by Plegian soldiers! Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick rush off to stop them, and Robin tags along to help as well. Afterwards, Chrom decides to have Robin join his army, The Shepherds, and promotes him as their tactician, since Robin has an uncanny knack for planning.

While heading back to the Ylisse Castle, dead warriors called Risen would suddenly pop up and attack The Shepherds during the night! Chrom's sister, Lissa, is almost killed by one, but is saved by a mysterious man who calls himself Marth. Marth warns them that the Risen attack is only a prelude of an upcoming disaster. After making it back to the castle, Lissa decides to show Robin the rest of the Shepherds. Chrom later shows up and says he's had a discussion with his older sister, Emmeryn, who's the current ruler of Ylisse. Due to the recent attacks by Plegia, as well as the ominous warning from Marth, Chrom leads them to Regna Ferox to request assistance from their khan.

Arriving at the Frontfort, which divides Ylisse and Ferox, they are attacked by some Ferox soldiers stationed there, who think that Robin and the Shepherds are brigands who are invading! Chrom nearly gets skewered by the spears the soldiers toss, but gets saved at the last minute by Sumia, who's riding atop a Pegasus she befriended earlier. Seeing this gives Robin the idea of pairing up soldiers with another, allowing them to both double up on the enemy, and protect them.

Once they clear up the misunderstanding, they arrive at Regna Ferox. Flavia tells Chrom that she'd be happy to help, but it's that time of the year where Ferox holds a tournament to determine which one will rule the region for the rest of the year. Robin and the Shepherds are chosen to represent her for the tournament. During this, they cross paths with Marth once more. Chrom manages to defeat him, after which Marth quickly leaves. Flavia is grateful for their assistance, and promises to help Chrom with the trouble that's coming.

Back at Ylisse, Robin and the others are informed that Lissa's best friend, Maribelle, has been kidnapped by the demented King of Plegia: Gangrel! Robin and the others rush to her rescue, and though they are successful, this causes a declaration of war between the two kingdoms.

This leads to an assassination attempt on Queen Emmeryn! Luckily, Marth arrives to help Robin and the others! However, during the fight, his mask breaks, revealing that "he" is a "she!" Despite that shocking reveal, they work with Marth to fight off the assassins, during which Robin encounters Validar! Validar is happy at finally finding his son, but Robin isn't able to recall him thanks to his amnesia. Regardless, they manage to defeat Validar and the assassins, and Emmeryn is saved!

The next day, Robin and the Shepherds head back to Ferox to request more soldiers, and Emmeryn tags along as well. However, Emmeryn quickly chooses to retreat back to the castle following another assassination attempt on her, worrying that if Plegia learned that she left her kingdom, her people would fall into panic. Once Robin and the others make it to Ferox, they receive grim news that Ylisstol has fallen! Not only that, but Emmeryn is to be personally executed by Plegia's king himself!

Crossing the deserts, they make it to the Plegia Castle. Robin unleashes his plan to save Emmeryn, who's on top of a tall mountain, and it appears to be going well. After taking out the Plegia soldiers, Emmeryn's personal guard, Phila, flies in with her Pegasus units to save her. However, Phila and her squad are quickly killed by an unexpected ambush! Gangrel demands that the Shepherds hand over the Fire Emblem to him, or else Emmeryn will die as well.

However, knowing that Chrom would die if he handed over the Fire Emblem, Emmeryn decides to sacrifice herself and jumps off the cliff she's on. With their rescue plan now shattered, Robin and the others are forced to retreat back to Ferox. After a bit of mourning, Robin begins to hatch a new plan for Chrom and the Shepherds. Heading back to Plegia, Robin helps Chrom and Lissa avenge their fallen sister.

Afterwards, Robin attends Chrom's wedding. Two years later, Robin is helping to rebuild Ylisse for Chrom, who has now taken over as the ruler of of Ylisse. However, the peace is soon disturbed when they are informed that a mad man named Walhart has conquered the Kingdom of Valm, and is currently planning to invade Ylisse next! However, neither Ylisse or Regna Ferox has ships, so they are forced to head to Plegia to ask its new king for some. They are a bit hesitant, especially since they are informed that the new king appears to be a cult member of Grimleal, who worship and seek to revive the Fell Dragon, Grima.

At Plegia, they are shocked to see that the new king is Validar, the man who tried to assassinate Emmeryn two years ago, though he acts as if they've never met before. Validar is willing to help support their cause, and gives them ships and gold, but no soldiers.

Before they leave, Validar shows them his personal hierophant, a man who not only looks just like Robin, but also shares the same name with him! Before any questions could be asked, Validar's assistant, Aversa, rushes them out of the castle, telling them that they have no time to ask about trivial things.

Later at night, Robin is unable to sleep, and decides to head into the forest. Suddenly, Robin gains a headache as a mysterious voice beckons him. Validar then appears, and reveals to Robin that he is his father, and thus he should do as he says and leave Chrom's group to return with him, Validar than senses Chrom approaching, and teleports away. Robin then tells Chrom the disturbing news he learned, and that he isn't sure if he wants to remember his past or not.

Back at the camp, Risen Soldiers arrive to attack the Shepherds! They manage to fight them off, but one manages to slip by, and is about to assassinate Chrom! Luckily, "Marth" arrives to save him! ... and also refers to Chrom as "father." Marth then reveals the truth to Robin, Chrom and her mother: she is actually Lucina, Chrom's daughter from the future. She then tells them that in her timeline, the Fell Dragon, Grima, was successfully revived, and has brought death and destruction to the lands. She and her friends have traveled back to this time to try and prevent this from happening, though they all ended up getting scattered from each other during the trip. Regardless, Lucina is worried that history is trying to "correct" itself from her alterations. Upon hearing this story, Chrom and his wife swear to prevent this disaster from occurring, as well as help find her friends; thus they welcome her to the army.

During their attack on Valm, Robin grows a close bond with Lucina. He swears to help her prevent her future from happening, for which she is thankful. She also informs him of a traitor who was responsible for killing Chrom in her timeline. All she knows is that the traitor is a close friend of Chrom's. Secretly, she suspects Robin, but since he's so kind and genuine, she can't see why he would betray her father.

They also happen to come across the Divine Dragon, Tiki, who informs the group that if they hope to defeat Grima - should he be revived - they'll need to find the five Gemstones and place them into Chrom's Fire Emblem. Afterwards, he'll have to head to Mount Prism and perform the Awakening Ritual, which will awaken the full power sealed within his Falchion and allow him to seal Grima away. Tiki then gives them the gemstone she was guarding. Before they leave, she notes that Robin has powers almost similar to hers, but isn't able to tell why, since she's still groggy from her long slumber.

Upon taking care of Walhart and obtaining four of the Gemstones, Chrom receives word that King Validar wishes to see him, as he holds the last gemstone. Arriving at Validar's Castle, Validar has his soldiers surround Robin and the others, then demands Chrom to hand over the Fire Emblem! As Robin anticipated that this may be a trap, he quickly helps everyone escape.

However, right outside the gates, Validar teleports in front of Robin, Lucina, and Chrom! Validar proceeds to mind control his unwilling son, Robin, forcing him to steal the Fire Emblem right from Chrom and hand it over to his cruel father! Validar then inserts the final Gemstone before teleporting away to revive Grima. Once they get as far away as they can from Validar's Castle, Robin apologizes to Chrom, and suggest that perhaps it's better if he stays behind while Chrom leads the others to face Validar, as he doesn't want his father to force him to hurt anyone. Chrom assures him that things will be alright, and that Robin can fight off his father's mind control.

A bit afterward, Lucina leads Robin to a secluded area. Lucina reveals that she has pieced together who her father's killer is: Robin. She wasn't sure at first, and couldn't even find out a motive for why, but after what Validar did to him, she realized this is how Robin betrayed her father and caused her bad future. Thus, she tries to steel herself so she can execute Robin, but finds herself unable to, due to the close bonds they forged. Chrom then arrives, revealing he heard and saw everything from afar. He reaffirms his trust in Robin, and assures Lucina that they'll be able to prevent this disaster.

Robin then heads with the Shepherds to the Dragon's Table to stop Validar! During the battle, Robin and Chrom manage to weaken him, which forces Validar to try mind control on Robin yet again. This time, he forces Robin to kill Chrom with his Thoron magic. It seems like things are finally on the path to Lucina's bad future...

Until its quickly revealed that the Gemstones on the Fire Emblem were fakes! Not only that, but Robin was able to resist the mind control just long enough to not give Chrom a mortal wound! With the wheel of fate turning in their favor, Robin helps Chrom and Lucina put an end to Validar! Everything seems like it's finally gonna be okay...

But then, the mysterious Robin look-a-like shows up again. He reveals that he is actually Robin from Lucina's future, who "accepted" his fate and fused with the Fell Dragon to become a god. This "Grima-Robin" followed Lucina into the past to try and stop her and her friends efforts to undo his revival. However, the trip through time drained him of his power. When he happened across Robin, he tried to fuse with him to restore his power, but since it was too soon at this point in time, all that happened was that Robin gained amnesia, thus explaining why Robin couldn't remember anything.

Since that failed, Grima-Robin decided to instead focus on undoing all of Lucina's efforts. However, now that Validar is dead, Grima-Robin has decided to abandon that plan, and instead become the vessel for this timeline's Grima, allowing him to fully-regain his powers!

As Grima-Robin begins the summoning ritual, Robin runs off to snatch the Fire Emblem before escaping the collapsing building with everyone else. He then returns it to Chrom. Realizing they now have a fighting chance at defeating the Fell Dragon, Chrom leads everyone to Mount Prism. There, he performs the Awakening Ritual, and the Divine Dragon, Naga, awakens the true power within his blade, the Falchion!

Before they leave, Lissa asks if their was some way to defeat Grima for good. Naga reveals that the only way to do that was to get Grima to kill himself, which is something that he wouldn't do to himself Robin then realizes something. Since Grima is him - thanks to Grima absorbing the Robin from the future - that should allow him to defeat Grima once and for all.

Naga agrees with this assessment, but warns that doing so would cause Robin to die as well, since Grima and Robin's hearts are now linked together. However, she mentions the slight possibility that Robin could survive, thanks to the strong ties he has to everyone in the Shepherds. Regardless, Chrom isn't thrilled about Robin sacrificing himself to save everyone, and tries to get Robin to promise him that he'll stay alive.

Robin then heads off with Chrom, Lucina, and the rest of the Shepherds to Origin Peak, where Grima is currently residing. During the final battle, the player can either have Chrom land the final blow and seal Grima away for one-thousand years, or have Robin do it and destroy Grima forever, but at the cost of Robin's life.

In Chrom's ending, Chrom strikes Grima with the Falchion, sealing him away for 1000 years. Everybody then celebrates that Grima is defeated. Back at the Ylisse Castle, Robin is feeling guilty, wondering if he should've been the one to land the final blow to end Grima's curse forever. Chrom assures him that they made the right choice, as they would've robbed the world of a brilliant man if they allowed Robin to sacrifice himself. If Robin is married, his wife and his child will agree. If Robin married Lucina, she promises to help look for a solution to defeat Grima for good, so that their descendants will be prepared.

In Robin's ending, Robin decides it's worth sacrificing himself to save everyone from Grima's terror. Both Chrom and Grima look on in disbelief, with Grima's soon turning into horror as Robin approaches to land the final hit, killing Grima off forever. Chrom's face quickly turns to horror as well, as Robin begins to fade away in front of him. Accepting his fate, Robin thanks Chrom for all that he's done, and to tell everyone that his final thoughts were of them. He then hopes they'll meet again in a better life, before he vanishes completely.

Some time later, out in grassy plains, Robin lies unconscious. Robin hears a familiar voice, and his eyes open up to see Chrom and Lissa, who have spent an unknown amount of time looking all over the continents for Robin. As Robin takes Chrom's hand to pull himself up, he notices that the Mark of Grima isn't on his hand anymore, thus ensuring that the world is free from Grima's evil. Robin then heads back to the castle with them to reunite with everyone there.

Regardless, what happens to Robin after the story concludes is unknown. What is known is that Robin's story would pass down through the years, though the exact details of him and his appearance vary across the storyteller. If Robin married, all of the storytellers agree that he loved his wife more than anything else. If he married Lucina, it can be assumed that he later left the Kingdom of Ylisse with her to parts unknown.

In “Fire Emblem Fates,” Robin can be summoned via amiibo. and can join the player’s party after being defeated in battle. Upon arriving in Corrin's Castle, Robin once again gains amnesia. During the battle, you can have him interact with Odin, Laslow, and Selena, who are actually three of Lucina's friends - Owain, Inigo, and Severa respectively - under an alias. Though initially surprised to see him, all three of them consider the possibility that he isn't the Robin they know, and his sudden amnesia doesn't help confirm if he is or not.

Personality-wise, Robin is a kind and friendly individual. He believes that creating bonds with others helps make one stronger, though he can get exasperated at everyone's antics at times. Robin is also quite capable of deducing a person's inner turmoils in a matter of a few short complications, due to his strategic mindset. He also enjoys reading history books, as well as novels.

Robin also has a knack for coming up with battle strategies, sometimes even on the fly. Some of them can even be considered "crazy," but they tend to always work out. In fact, coming up with strategies is the one thing Robin is quite prideful about. When one of his friends, Virion, keeps beating him in a strategy board game, he noticeably becomes quite upset.

Outside of the battlefield, Robin shows a a bit of a self-conscience side. One example is him feeling his cooking skills aren't up to par. He also feels pretty inadequate to any of his potential love interests. Additionally, despite helping lead Chrom's Shepherds to victory through various trials, he still wonders if he belongs with them.

In Super Smash Bros., while Robin has brought TWO swords with him – a weak Bronze Sword and a powerful Levin Sword – he’s also brought some Magic Books with him to bombard the foes with various spells! Be careful, as his magical attacks and his Levin Sword have a limit, and once they run out, you’ll have to wait a bit before you can use them again! Try to plan ahead to keep your foes guessing!

Special Moves 

Neutral Special: Thunder/Elthunder/Arcthunder/Thoron

Robin starts off by charging up a magic spell. There are four levels of charge, each with their own levels of strength, speed, distance, and cost.

Thunder is the fastest, but it’s also the weakest, and it doesn’t go very far. Costs 1 durability point. 

Elthunder is slightly stronger than Thunder, and can travel much further. Costs 3 durability points.

Arcthunder starts off slow, but quickly picks up speed. Upon hitting the target, it’ll release electricity in an “X” shape, dealing multiple hits on the foe and anyone else nearby, before flinging them away. Costs 5 durability points. 

Thoron is the strongest and travels the furthest of the of spells! Holding the Special Button down when firing it will slightly increase its damage and knockback! Costs 8 durability points.

This move has a total of 20 durability points. Once they’re all used up, Robin will have to wait 10 seconds before he can use this move again.

Inspired by the Thunder, Elthunder, Arcthunder, and Thoron spells introduced throughout the series. Thunder and Thoron debuted in the first game “Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light,” Elthunder debuted in “Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War,” and Arcthunder debuted in “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.”

All four are electric spells that have a high chance of dealing critical hits, but have somewhat poor accuracy. Their level of strength is also referenced in Super Smash Bros., with Thunder being the weakest, and Thoron being the strongest. Only certain classes can use Thunder Magic, like the Tactician class or the Mage class.

In the Premonition Chapter of Fire Emblem Awakening, Robin has Thoron spell on hand, while in Chapter 1, Robin starts out with Thunder.

In “Fire Emblem Fates,” Robin is the only character capable of using Thoron. 

Side Special: Arcfire

Robin shoots a fire ball forward in a diagonal angle. If it hits the ground or an opponent, the fire ball will erupt into a pillar of flames that can rapidly damage the foe! Costs 3.3 durability points.

This move has a total of 20 durability points. Once they’re all used up, Robin will have to wait 10 seconds before he can use this move again.

Inspired by Arcfire, introduced in “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.” Arcfire is considered the second-strongest of fire magic. Only certain classes can use Fire Magic, like the Tactician class or the Mage class.

In “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn,” Arcfire is shown blasting a pillar of flames where the foe is standing.

The animation for the move is similar to how Mages casts Fire spells in “Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade,” “Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade,” and “Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.” 

Up Special: Elwind

Robin fires two wind blades below him. The first one can easily fling him to the left or right, as well as send opponents flying downwards if fired at point blank range. The second one flings him up high! Regardless, the wind blades will damage any foe they come in contact with, and if they hit the ground, they'll push nearby foes away. Elwind costs 4 durability points each for both blasts, for a total cost of 8.

This move has a total of 20 durability points. Once they’re all used up, Robin will have to wait 6 seconds before he can use this move again. If Robin only has enough durability points to cast at least one blade of Elwind, he will, but won’t have as much momentum. If you use Elwind when the move has no durability points, he’ll do a very small jump that he can act out of.

Inspired by Elwind, introduced in “Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.” Elwind is considered the third strongest of the four wind elements. Only certain classes can use Wind Magic, like the Tactician class or the Mage class.

Starting in “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn,” the move is portrayed as the user throwing two or more blades of wind at the foe, though it’s always both at the same time rather then one after the other like in Super Smash Bros. 

Down Special: Nosferatu

Robin summons a shadowy mist in front of him. If anyone happens to be there when the mist appears,  they get trapped as Robin begins absorbing some of their health to heal himself.

If Robin uses this move when the opponent is facing away from him, he'll recover slightly more health.

Costs 6.67 durability points.

This move has a total of 20 durability points. Once they’re all used up, Robin will have to wait 30 seconds before he can use this move again.

Inspired by Nosferatu, introduced in “Fire Emblem: Gaiden.” It drains a portion of the damage done to the enemy back to the user to heal their HP. While Nosferatu has varied between being considered Light Magic and Dark Magic, Super Smash Bros. portrays it as Dark Magic as it is in Robin’s game, “Fire Emblem Awakening.” Notably, Robin isn’t able to use Dark Magic while in the Tactician class, and must reclass to the Dark Mage class to use it. 

Final Smash: Pair Up

Robin shouts “Now!” as his best friend Chrom rushes in from out-of-nowhere, using his sword, the Falchion, to slash any foe in front of Robin! If Chrom hits anyone, the foe is sent to the top-center of the stage. Chrom then shouts “On my mark!” as he and Robin jump up to barrage the opponent with various attacks: Chrom performing slashes and kicks while Robin bombards them with Bolganone and Thunder spells.

Once they’re done, Chrom will shout “We’re not done yet!” before he and Robin perform one final attack, which sends the opponent flying down towards the stage, where they will bounce back up into the air and potentially go flying away! After that, Chrom will leave and all of Robin’s durability points for his spells and his Levin Sword will be recovered!

If Chrom fails to hit anyone, then the move fails. Additionally, Robin’s weapons don’t get their durability restored.

Inspired by the Pair Up mechanic introduced in “Fire Emblem Awakening.” After witnessing Sumia save Chrom at the start of Chapter 3, Robin realizes it might be beneficial if the Shepherds paired up with each other. Pairing up units with one another will have them both share a space on the map, with one acting as the “leader” and the other as “support.” Pairing up also provides the leader with some bonus stats, and how much they get depends on their relationship with the person providing support: no rank giving the fewest stat bonuses, and A Rank giving the most bonuses. If the two units get married, then they’ll obtain the S Rank, which will have the support unit give even more bonus stats to the leader.

Robin is capable of obtaining an A Rank with everyone in the Shepherds. He can also obtain an S Rank with someone of the opposite gender. That being said, not everyone in the Shepherds can obtain Ranks with each other. For example, while Chrom and Sumia can get an A Rank and then an S Rank, Chrom and Cordelia are stuck at No Rank.

Bolganone is a fire spell introduced in “Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.” Bolganone is considered the strongest of fire magic. Only certain classes can use Fire Magic, like the Tactician class or the Mage class.

Robin’s weapon durability getting restored may be inspired by the fact that Chrom is the only one who can access the Convoy during battle in “Fire Emblem Awakening.” This can allow Chrom to restock his weapons, as well as restock any nearby ally’s weapons.

Additional Notes 

During the start of a match, Robin mostly uses his Bronze Sword. However, after a couple of seconds pass...

Robin will be able to use his Levin Sword! Not only is it MUCH stronger than his Bronze Sword, it can also hit foes who are farther away! Robin will switch to it if you use a Smash Attack, or if you use an aerial move akin to a Smash Attack. He’ll switch back to the Bronze Sword if you use a Neutral attack, Tilt attack, Dash attack, Floor attack, or an Edge attack.

Just like his spells, his Levin Sword has a durability of 20. Each use of the Levin Sword costs 2.5 durability points. Once they’re all used up, Robin will have to wait about 6 seconds before he can use the Levin Sword again.

Once a weapon’s durability is used up, Robin will toss the Spellbook/Levin Sword away. If you’re quick, Robin can pick up the item after he tosses it. Both the Spellbook and the Levin Sword make powerful throwing weapons, so always see if you can grab it after exhausting their durability! Just be aware that your opponent can potentially grab them as well!

Even if one of Robin's weapons have 1 durability point left, he can still use the move you're trying to use! For example, even though Thoron costs 8 durability points, Robin can still cast it if the move only has 7 points or less. Keep that in mind!

Despite Chrom becoming a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Chrom is still part of Robin’s Final Smash. This means you can have the absurdity of Robin summoning Chrom to help him beat up Chrom.

Speaking of which, half of Robin's alternate costumes are of the female version of Robin! Just like male Robin, Super Smash Bros. goes with her default look. (Young adult) Her story and personality are similar to male Robin's, with the major difference being her potential love interests.

If Lucina is in the match, and Robin wins, a different victory quote may play, depending on which gender you're playing as. As male Robin, he may say "Lucina, I hope I didn't hurt you." As female Robin, she may say "How can you protect Chrom if you can't protect yourself?" (Which is actually a bit harsh, and a little out-of-character.)

Additionally, in the victory post where the (not playable) Chrom poses with Robin, if Robin performed his Final Smash at any point in the battle, Chrom may say "My strength is yours!"

Left-to-Right: Lucina, Cordelia, and Tharja.
Going back to love interests, while Male Robin can marry any of the women in the army, in-game evidence heavily suggests he gets together with Lucina. (The scene where Lucina finds out how he might betray her father has unique dialogue if they're married) To a lesser extent, this also applies to Cordelia and Tharja, who both get additional interactions with Robin in some of Fire Emblem Awakening’s DLC.

Left-to-Right: Chrom and Gaius.
On the flipside, while Female Robin can marry any of the men in the army, in-game evidence heavily suggests she gets together with Chrom. (The scene where Lucina finds out how Robin might betray her father has unique dialogue if Robin and Chrom are married) To a lesser extent, this also applies to Gaius, who gets additional interactions with Robin in some of Fire Emblem Awakening’s DLC.

Left-to-Right: male Morgan and female Morgan.
Robin also has a kid associated with them: Morgan! Morgan only shows up in "Fire Emblem Awakening" if Robin marries someone. Male Robin has female Morgan, while female Robin has male Morgan. Regardless, Morgan ends up gaining amnesia upon arriving in the present, with the only thing they can remember being Robin, as well as how close they were. If Robin married anyone from the present timeline, Morgan will be considered one of Lucina's friends. If Robin marries Lucina or one of her friends, it's heavily implied Morgan hails from an alternate timeline.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

A large, familiar behemoth returns in Metroid Dread.

As revealed two days ago in a new trailer for Metroid Dread, Samus Aran will be facing a familiar foe returning from her past. And it's one that hasn't been given much fanfare in the past. It isn't Ridley, but he is Ridley's comrade. It's the Awakened Behemoth: Kraid!

Not much was shown of the Kraid fight, but you can see him trying to lunge at Samus when she enters his room, only just barely reaching her due to being chained up, presumably against his will. Another scene shows Samus jumping on his stomach towards his head, which is most likely a cutscene that plays after Samus successfully counters an attack he throws at her.

For those who don't know, Kraid is a one of the Space Pirate's Commanders, presumably ranked lower than Ridley, since he's the leader. (When it isn't Mother Brain, anyway.) He made his debut alongside the aforementioned Ridley and Mother Brain in the original Metroid, released for the NES back in 1986. Compared to future titles, he was pretty small, about Samus's height. Regardless, he was treated as an equal threat alongside his fellow villains.

Super Metroid would roll around, and would reintroduce Kraid as the giant behemoth we all know and love. He would then make a cameo appearance in Super Smash Bros. Melee in the Brinstar Depths stage, where he would twirl the stage around by hitting it every now and then. Afterwards, he would show up for the remake of the first game titled Metroid Zero Mission, sporting his redesigned look he got in Super Metroid.

After that, Kraid would sort of fall off by the wayside. He was planned to make an appearance in Metroid Prime, getting concept art and even managing to get a 3D Model, with a small idea on how the boss fight would play out. However, the developers wouldn't have enough time to test things out to see if it would be fun/challenging, thus he was dropped, relegated only to a passing mention.

Kraid would make an appearance in the Metroid Manga, which released alongside Zero Mission. While the manga greatly expanded upon both Ridley's and Mother Brain's characters. as well as giving them closer ties to Samus, it did not do that for Kraid. In fact, it simply relegated him to a fight towards the end of Volume 2, Chapter 15: Tooth & Nail. There, the only interesting factoids it gave was that he's Ridley's comrade, and that he can't talk, only communicating through monstrous growls and roars.

That being said, Kraid, or at least an animatronic version of him, would make a surprising appearance in Nintendo Land as a boss fight in the Metroid Blast section. The last level of the game also had him team up with Ridley, having them serve as the mode's final challenge.

He would also return in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, performing the same role he did in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Additionally, he was also a collectible Master Spirit, who would teach your other Spirits the Tank Style, which improved their defense, but lowered their mobility. Notably, the fact that he doesn't talk was carried over from the manga, where he speaks only in growls and roars, with the game humorously giving only assumptions on what he's saying.

Regardless, it should be noted that, in the Metroid timeline, Kraid's last appearance was in Super, where Samus would finally defeat him for good. His apparent survival in Dread hasn't been revealed, but will most likely be explained once the game is released.

Friday, August 27, 2021

CatDog and April O'Neil join Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl!

At Gamescom, GameMill Entertainment showed off a new trailer for Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, revealing that CatDog (from the show with the same name) and April O'Neil (from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who was - amusingly - confirmed to be playable in Shredder's Revenge yesterday) will join the battle!

From what can be seen from CatDog's trailer, you can switch which one of two are leading. While they share some moves, such as slamming a fire hydrant on top of anyone in front of them, both of them appear to have their own moves unique to them. Two examples are Dog spitting bones at his foes, and Cat comically strangling Dog while shoving him forward, which can hit anyone in front of them.

In addition to the usual punches and kicks, April can be seen using some of her recording equipment in her attacks. Some of them appear to be able to reflect projectile attacks back at the foe, and one of them seems to have April plant one of them in place. If it's attacked, it'll explode, though it appears to do no damage to the foe, so who knows what the move's actual purpose is at the moment.

Additionally, it's been confirmed that Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl will also be headed to PC via Steam, so PC players won't be left out on the fun!

What are your thoughts on the revealed characters? Write in your thoughts below!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

April O'Neil confirmed as playable in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge!

As revealed yesterday in the Gamescom Stream, TMNT Shredder's Revenge is bringing another beloved TMNT character to play as in this upcoming side-scrolling beat-'em-up: April O'Neil!

Along with the regular punch and kick attacks, she's also seen using a recording camera and her microphone to attack Shredder's minions.

She'll also have some humorous reactions to certain enemy attacks, such as getting her hand bitten by a mouser.

The game also shows off a new mechanic: Team Moves! While the details of how to perform one isn't elaborated on, we can see April performing a dive-kick towards Leo, who proceeds to throw her at some incoming Foot Ninjas.

Though with this exciting news, there's also some bad: the game's release has been moved to sometime in 2022 next year, so TMNT fans will have to wait a bit longer before they can play the game.

Think there will be any more playable characters? The initial reveal trailer did show Splinter, so he's likely playable. Some fans are also hoping for Casey Jones to make an appearance as well. Write your thoughts in the comments below!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Two new fighters for Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl will be revealed on August 26th!

Ludosity has posted a new trailer on their YouTube Channel, revealing that two new characters are going to be announced for the game at the Future Games Show Gamescom broadcast, which will take place later this week on 26th August.

Notably, Ludosity has deleted the trailer for unknown reasons, but one fan managed to snag it and re-upload it to their channel! (Thanks, ManMan!)

UPDATE: Ludosity has re-uploaded the official trailer to their YouTube, while ManMan privated his.

An official Twitter page was also created for the game, which revealed a new piece of artwork as its header image.

It's possible that the two characters may be from the accidental box art leak that happened during the game's initial reveal, but it could also be someone who isn't showing up on the box art. Regardless, who do you think it will be? Tell us your thoughts below!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Super Smash Bros. Fighters – Fire Emblem series – 04 Lucina

Super Smash Bros. Fighters – Fire Emblem series – 04 Lucina


In the Fire Emblem series: Fire Emblem Awakening (2012)
In the Super Smash Bros. series: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U (2014)

Boxing Ring Title: Warrior from a Doomed Future

Theme Song: Destiny (Ablaze)

Lucina is a major character in Fire Emblem Awakening. She's the princess of Ylisse from the ruined land of Archanea, and the future-daughter of Chrom. She journeys into the past to not only prevent her disastrous future from occurring, but to also save her parents.

About ten years into the future, a young Lucina lived a rather peaceful life with her family. Her father, Chrom, even taught her swordplay in his spare time. However, everything quickly turned around when Chrom was killed during his journey to the Dragon's Table. No one knows exactly what happened, other then that the person responsible was someone who was close to Chrom.

Soon, the Fell Dragon, Grima, would be resurrected by an evil cult that her father was trying to stop. Grima sets off to ravage the lands, and many fight back against him. Lucina's mother would perish during this battle, forcing Lucina to quickly grow up and lead her army against this new powerful foe.

As the years went on, Lucina and her close group of friends would be the only survivors left. In a desperate bid to defeat Grima, Lucina and her group would go off to search for the five Gemstones for her Fire Emblem. They hoped to acquire them so that Lucina could perform the Awakening Ritual to the Divine Dragon, Naga, who would awaken the full power of her sword, the Falchion, allowing Lucina to defeat Grima!

However, they are only able to obtain four of the Gemstones, as the fifth one was destroyed. Despite that, Lucina and her friends hoped that the four gemstones would be enough for the Awakening Ritual. Thus, they set out to Mount Prism to meet with Naga.

To Lucina's dismay, Naga tells her that without all five gemstones, she can't fully awaken the power of the Falchion. However, Naga offers Lucina an alternative: she can create a portal that will allow Lucina and her friends to travel back in time, where they can try and prevent Grima's resurrection and save their parents. However, doing so would mean that they may not be able to return to their timeline afterwards.

Despite that, Lucina and the others decide that this would be the best course of action. Before they leave to the past, Lucina disguises herself by stylizing her hair and wearing a mask that she got from her friend Gerome.

They then enter the portal Naga made to travel back in time. However, during the trip, Lucina and her friends got separated from each other, and were scatted all throughout different locations in Arcahnea's past, forcing them all to fend for themselves.

Lucina would end up arriving at the exact moment where her Aunt, Lissa, is about to be attacked by a Risen, an undead soldier. Lucina saves her, after which she approaches Chrom, Frederick, and Robin. She introduces herself to them as "Marth" - an alias she chose after her famous ancestor - and warns them that this Risen attack was only the beginning of an upcoming disaster before heading off elsewhere.

Some time later, she would go to Regna Ferox, where she becomes Basilio's champion after defeating his previous one, Lon'qu. Chrom and his army, The Shepherds, would then arrive, and Lucina would end up facing him during Arena Ferox's yearly tournament. Upon being defeated, Lucina would quickly run off once more.

Afterwards, she would sneak into the Ylisse palace to not only save her Aunt Emmyren, but also save her father Chrom, as Emmyren's death and Chrom's injuries here would begin the catalyst of her bad future. During this, her mask would get destroyed, revealing to Chrom that she's a woman. Despite that, she still helps them fight off the assassins. Receiving thanks for her help, Lucina slips away, content that she's now changed the future for the better.

However, a few days later, Lucina would bear witness to Emmyren's death at Plegia. She then becomes horrified as she realizes that the path to her timeline is now "back on track."

Two years later, Lucina's younger-self is born to Chrom and his wife. As for future-Lucina, she returns as Chrom and his army are going to war against Valm. When an assassin tries to kill Chrom, Lucina rushes in to save him, during which she accidentally reveals her identity as his daughter from the future by calling Chrom "father."

She then pulls Chrom aside for a private conversation, where she proves her heritage by showing him the location of the royal family's Brand of Exalt, which is on her left eye. With that, she earns the trust of both Chrom and her initially disbelieving mother. She then decides to fight at their side and help them in the battle against the Kingdom of Valm.

Along the way, Lucina manages to find her friends, who were scattered throughout the lands of Archanea. They also join the Shepherds and reunite with their parents.

During the war against Valm, Lucina would get to know and reconnect with her father and mother. She would also grow close to the army's tactician, Robin, who she would soon learn is a close friend of her father. Recalling the rumors that Chrom's killer was someone who was close to him, she decides to keep a watchful eye on him. However, Robin is so kind, she can't see how he would ever betray her father.

They also come across the Divine Dragon, Tiki, who initially mistakes Lucina for Marth, Lucina's ancestor and Tiki's friend from long ago. Regardless, she informs the group that if they hope to defeat Grima - should he be revived - they'll need to find the five Gemstones and place them into Chrom's Fire Emblem. Afterwards, he'll have to head to Mount Prism and perform the Awakening Ritual, which will awaken the full power sealed within his Falchion and allow him to seal Grima away. Tiki gives them the gemstone she was guarding, after which Lucina and the others leave to continue in their battle against Valm.

Upon ending the war against Valm, as well as finding four of the Gemstones, Lucina would accompany Chrom to meet with Validar at the Plegia capital, as Validar revealed he held the last gemstone. However, unknown to everyone, Validar is actually the leader of the evil cult that resurrected Grima in Lucina's timeline, and he's planning on stealing Chrom's Fire Emblem so he can awaken the Fell Dragon, Grima!

Once they learn of his intentions, Lucina, Chrom, and the others manage to escape the ambush in his castle, only for Validar to simply teleport in front of them. Lucina then witnesses Validar using mind-control on Robin, who turns out to be Validar's son! Unable to resist, Robin is forced to steal the Fire Emblem from Chrom and hand it over to his cruel father! Inserting the final gemstone into its plate, Validar warps away to enact his plan.

This event causes Lucina to realize that this is probably how Robin betrayed her father and brought ruin to her timeline. Desperate to save the future no matter what, Lucina steels herself and resolves to execute Robin in a secluded area. However, her close bond to him prevents her from carrying it out. Her father Chrom arrives, revealing he was watching the whole thing from afar. He reaffirms his trust in Robin, and assures Lucina that they'll be able to prevent this disaster.

Lucina, Robin, Chrom, and The Shepherds head to the Dragon’s Table to stop Validar from resurrecting Grima. During their battle against Validar, they manage to weaken him, which forces Validar to once again mind control Robin. This time, he forces Robin to kill Chrom with his Thoron magic. Lucina nearly has a breakdown, thinking everything she and her friends have done had been for nothing...

Until its quickly revealed that the gemstones on the Fire Emblem were fakes! Not only that, but Robin was able to resist the mind control just long enough to not give Chrom a mortal wound! With the wheel of fate turning in their favor, Lucina helps Chrom and Robin put an end to Validar! Everything seems like it's finally gonna be okay...

But then, a mysterious individual who resembles Robin appears. The person reveals that he is Robin from Lucina's future, who "accepted" his fate and fused with the Fell Dragon to become a god. This "Grima-Robin" has been trying to keep things on track in this timeline, but now that Validar is dead, Grima-Robin has decided to abandon that plan, and instead become this timeline's vessel for Grima!

Everyone manages to escape, after which Lucina and her father can only watch in horror as Grima emerges from the Dragon's Table.

As everyone begins to wonder what to do, Robin reveals he managed to snatch the Fire Emblem back before the building they were in collapsed. Realizing they now have a fighting chance at defeating the Fell Dragon, Chrom leads everyone to Mount Prism. There, he performs the Awakening Ritual, and the Divine Dragon, Naga, awakens the true power within his blade, the Falchion!

Lucina then heads with Chrom and the others to Origin Peak, where Grima is currently residing. During the final battle, the player can either have Chrom land the final blow and seal Grima away for one-thousand years, or have Robin do it and destroy Grima forever, but at the cost of Robin's life.

In Chrom's ending, Grima is sealed away for 1000 years. Lucina is glad that it's finally over, and that the future is saved. Back at the Ylisse Castle, if Lucina married Robin during the story, she'll notice he looks guilty, but assures him that having Chrom seal Grima away was the right thing to do, with their daughter agreeing as well. Lucina then promises to help Robin look for a solution to defeat Grima for good, so that their descendants will be prepared.

In Robin's ending, Robin decides it's worth sacrificing himself to save his friends, as well as ensure that the future generation won't have to deal with Grima. With one blow, Grima fades away into nothing, with Robin following shortly after. Though everyone is saddened by this, Lucina prays that one day she and the others will meet Robin again.

Some time later, her father Chrom and her aunt Lissa would happen to find Robin lying unconscious somewhere in the grassy plains. Back at Ylisse, Lucina and the others would have a happy reunion with Robin!

Regardless, what happens to Lucina after the story concludes depends on whether Lucina marries or not. If she didn’t, Lucina would whisper to her younger-self “Yours will be a happy future,” before leaving to parts unknown. If she married Robin, it's unknown what happens to her, but it can be assumed that she and Robin leave Ylisse at some point.

In Fire Emblem Fates, Lucina can be summoned via amiibo, and can join the player’s party after being defeated in battle. During the battle, you can have her interact with Odin, Laslow, and Selena, who are actually her friends - Owain, Inigo, and Severa respectively - under an alias. Though initially surprised to see her, all three of them consider the possibility that she isn't the Lucina they know. Regardless, they are all still happy to see her.

Personality-wise, Lucina holds a strong sense of justice, and is determined to prevent her bad future from occurring at any cost. Because of this, she has a rather stoic, no-nonsense attitude. She also cares deeply about the members of her and her father's army, and wants to ensure they'll make it out alive. Lucina holds a deep admiration towards historic figures, most notably Marth, her ancestor. She takes inspiration and motivation from his stories, and tries to act how she thinks he would to the situation she's dealing with.

Due to what happened to her parents in her timeline, Lucina's very concerned about their safety, especially her father Chrom, and makes their safety her number one priority. She also tries to spend as much time as she can with them, since she wasn't able to after they died. Although her parents assure her that they love her as equally as they do their present daughter, and that she's always welcome to stay with and visit them, Lucina chooses to leave to parts unknown following Grima's defeat, as she doesn't want to get in the way of them tending to their present daughter.

Despite her stoic demeanor, she has light and unintentionally goofy moments around the ones she loves, notably her parents, her sibling, and her own future daughter. When hanging out with her mom, she's shown to have a bizarre taste in fashion. When her little sibling is complaining about a bug, she brushes it off until she sees how big it is, after which she freaks out as badly as her sibling. Additionally, when training, she has a bad habit of breaking things, or even creating dents or holes in some walls, a trait she has inherited from her father.

In Super Smash Bros., Lucina uses graceful swipes from her Parallel Falchion to attack her foes! She’s an Echo Fighter of Marth, so if you know how to play as him, you should have no trouble playing as her! Unlike Marth, her sword has an even distribution of power at the tip to the hilt, so feel free to attack your foes up close or from afar! Go and change your destiny!

Special Moves 

Neutral Special: Shield Breaker

By holding the Special Button, Lucina reels back a bit and charges her sword. Releasing the Special Button has Lucina stab it forward! How much damage she deals depends on how much you charge it. If you hit the opponent’s head, extra damage will be dealt!

You can also slightly aim the stab upwards or downwards by tilting the Control Stick in that direction as you’re charging.

If you use the move on an opponent that happens to be shielding...


The opponent’s shield breaks, leaving them open for any attack you wish!

Inspired by the Rapier weapon, which debuted in “Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.” Rapiers have the ability to deal extra damage to armored enemies. 

Side Special: Dancing Blade

Lucina swings her sword forward. Pressing the Special Button again will have Lucina quickly follow up with an additional slash. Lucina can do about three follow-ups to her initial slash, for a total of four hits.

While you’ll need to hold the Control Stick left or right and press the Special Button to use it, you can tilt the Control Stick up or down for the follow up hits! Each direction is color-coded as well!

Forward/Neutral is red, and the final hit is the strongest of the three.

Up is blue, and can be used on the second swing. It can easily hit foes up above, and the final hit has the shortest end-lag.

Down is green, and can be used on the third swing! (trying to use it on the second swing will have Lucina use a neutral swing instead) The final hit deals the most damage, but has the weakest knockback, and noticeable end-lag.

In total, you have 18 total combinations of Dancing Blade! Mix-and-match wisely!

Inspired by the ability, Astra, introduced in “Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.” Astra gives the user a small chance of performing five consecutive hits on an opponent.

Lucina is able to obtain the Astra skill, but only if her mother is Sully, Olivia, or a female Robin. 

Up Special: Dolphin Slash

Lucina jumps upward while swinging her sword skyward! The move has the most knockback at the beginning of the attack, and less knockback at any other point.

The move seems to be inspired by the final blow of the critical hit animation of the Swordmaster class in “Fire Emblem Thracia 776.” 

Down Special: Counter

Lucina gets in a defensive stance. If anyone happens to attack her while she’s in this stance…

…Lucina counters by swinging her sword at the foe while shouting “You’re mine!” or “My turn!”

Inspired by the core element of the Fire Emblem games. When a foe attacks the player’s unit, the unit will retaliate if they are equipped with a weapon that has a compatible range. (example: if the foe attacks your unit up close and your unit is holding a sword, they can counter; if the foe attacks from afar and your unit is holding a sword, they can’t because the foe is too far away) This also applies vice-versa when the player’s unit attacks a foe. Neither will retaliate if their HP drops to 0, in which case they are defeated.

Much later, the game “Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance” would introduce the Counter skill. How much damage it deals to the foe depends on the game – from half of the damage the user received to all of the damage the user received – but it allows it’s user to deal extra damage in addition to the retaliation attack.

Though the Counter Skill is available in “Fire Emblem Awakening,” Lucina can’t obtain it as it’s a skill from the "male only" Warrior class. Her father, Chrom, can’t pass the skill down to her, as he can only pass down the Aether Skill to his daughters. Even if that wasn't the case, Chrom isn't able to reclass into a Warrior to obtain the skill. 

Final Smash: Critical Hit

Lucina holds her sword skyward as a light shimmers!

Lucina then rushes forward! If she collides with anyone, a health bar will pop up and drain all the way to empty as the foe goes flying away!

Be careful! If you use the move in the air and there's no one to collide into, Lucina could accidentally KO herself by flinging herself offscreen! If you think you’re gonna miss, press the Special Button again to have Lucina swing the sword and stop her momentum!

Inspired by the the Critical Hits that can happen in various Fire Emblem games. They have a rare chance of happening, but when they do, the user will to 3x the damage to their foe!

The animation for the move is taken from Marth performing a Critical Hit while wielding the Falchion, Mercurius, or a Rapier in “Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.”

The health bar is modeled after how the Health Bar looks like in “Fire Emblem Awakening.” Yellow bars mean that the unit has plenty of health. As they take damage, the yellow bars disappear, and if they are all gone, the unit is considered dead. (unless you’re playing on Casual Mode, in which case your unit is simply defeated and retreats back to the base to safety) 

Additional Notes 

Although difficult to see, Lucina does have the Mark of the Exalt in her left eye, which proves her royal heritage! Just in case you had any doubts.

Lucina was originally intended to be an alternate costume for Marth before being given her own character slot in “Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U”. This might be why she’s shown as much taller in “Super Smash Bros.” than she actually is in “Fire Emblem Awakening”, where she’s a head shorter than Robin and Chrom.

Lucina is the second character to share Marth’s playstyle, the first being Roy.

If Marth is in the match and Lucina wins, she may say “This is the Hero-King?” Likewise, if Ike’s in the match and she wins, Lucina may say “And they call you the Radiant Hero?” It should be noted that in the English version, she says this with sarcasm in her voice, which is somewhat out-of-character for her, as she’s shown to admire and be in awe of both of them in her reveal trailer, as well as in the Japanese version.

Top, Left-to-Right: Sumia, Sully, Maribelle. Bottom, Left-to-Right: Olivia, Female Robin.
As Chrom is the only character who is forced to get married in the game, the identity of Lucina's mother can be either Sumia, Sully, Maribelle, Olivia, female Robin, or a nameless village maiden.

Top, Left-to-Right: Cyntia, Kjelle, Brady. Bottom, Left-to-right: Inigo, Male Morgan.
Additionally, Chrom marrying either of those women - besides the village maiden - will also give Lucina a younger sibling! Said younger sibling can be either Cynthia (Sumia's daughter), Kjelle (Sully's daughter), Brady (Maribelle's son), Inigo (Olivia's son), or male Morgan (female Robin's son).

Evidence for who is most likely Lucina's mother and sibling is between either Sumia & Cynthia, or female Robin & male Morgan. In Sumia & Cynthia's case: Sumia is shown holding baby Lucina in the opening of the game; one cutscene between Sumia and Chrom is titled "Lovebirds"; Chrom has the quickest support bonds with Sumia; and if Sumia's bond with Chrom is tied with anyone, Sumia takes priority over them. In female Robin & male Morgan's case, female Robin is an important character in the story, and unique dialogue will play when Lucina finds out that female Robin is responsible for her bad future.

At the very least, “Fire Emblem Fates” heavily implies that Olivia is not her mother, and Inigo is not her brother.

Top, Left-to-Right: Laurant, Yarne, Gerome, Owain. Bottom, Left-to-Right: Male Robin, Brady, Inigo, Male Morgan
As for who Lucina can end up with, her choices are Laurant, Yarne, Gerome, Owain, male Robin, Brady (only if Maribelle isn't her mom), Inigo (only if Olivia isn't her mom), and male Morgan (only if female Robin is not her mother)

Evidence for who she's more likely to end up with is either Laurent, or male Robin. In Laurent's case, she has the fastest support bond with him compared to the others. In male Robin's case, he is an important character in the story, and unique dialogue will play when Lucina finds out that male Robin is responsible for her bad future if they're married.

Additionally, if Lucina marries male Robin, then their daughter from another alternate future, female Morgan, will arrive to help them fight against Grima!