Thursday, August 26, 2021

April O'Neil confirmed as playable in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge!

As revealed yesterday in the Gamescom Stream, TMNT Shredder's Revenge is bringing another beloved TMNT character to play as in this upcoming side-scrolling beat-'em-up: April O'Neil!

Along with the regular punch and kick attacks, she's also seen using a recording camera and her microphone to attack Shredder's minions.

She'll also have some humorous reactions to certain enemy attacks, such as getting her hand bitten by a mouser.

The game also shows off a new mechanic: Team Moves! While the details of how to perform one isn't elaborated on, we can see April performing a dive-kick towards Leo, who proceeds to throw her at some incoming Foot Ninjas.

Though with this exciting news, there's also some bad: the game's release has been moved to sometime in 2022 next year, so TMNT fans will have to wait a bit longer before they can play the game.

Think there will be any more playable characters? The initial reveal trailer did show Splinter, so he's likely playable. Some fans are also hoping for Casey Jones to make an appearance as well. Write your thoughts in the comments below!

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