Sunday, August 15, 2021

Super Smash Bros. Fighters – Fire Emblem series – 03 Ike

Super Smash Bros. Fighters – Fire Emblem series – 03 Ike 


In the Fire Emblem series: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (2005)
In the Super Smash Bros. series: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)

Boxing Ring Title: The Radiant Hero of Legend 

Theme Song: Eternal Bond

Ike is the main protagonist of "Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance," and a major character in its sequel "Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn." Unlike most Fire Emblem protagonists, Ike and his family are not of royalty, nor do they have noble blood in them.

Ike is the son of Greil, a legendary warrior who leads a band of mercenaries called "The Greil Mercenaries," who operate in Crimea, a small kingdom located on the continent of Tellius. He and his sister, Mist, live with the mercenaries in the remote Crimean Fort.

In "Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance," Ike is the newest recruit of the Greil Mercenaries. Ike is assigned to go on a few missions with Titania, one of the deputies of the mercenaries, assisting him. One day, one of Ike's old friends, Soren, arrives to inform everyone that the Kingdom of Daein has decided to invade the Kingdom of Crimea!

Greil decides to send out a scouting party to see how strong the Daein invaders are, which he has Ike lead. During their scouting, some Daein soldiers manage to spot them, but Ike and the others manage to fight them off. As they prepare to leave, Titania spots a woman hiding behind some bushes, and she appears to have fainted! Ike decides to carry her back to the base, much to Soren's displeasure.

Back at the base, the woman wakes up, and reveals to everyone that she is Princess Elincia, the hidden daughter of King Crimea. After Daein's mad king, Ashnard, slayed her parents, her uncle told her to flee the castle and head to the Kingdom of Gallia to seek shelter. She and her entourage were soon discovered by the Daein Army, and her knights were slain. She was almost killed herself until Ike and his squad arrived. Elincia then begs the Greil Mercenaries to escort her to the kingdom of Gallia.

Just then, some Daein soldiers arrive and demand that they hand over Elincia! The Greil Mercenaries decide to protect Elincia and fight back against them. Afterwards, Greil orders everyone to prepare to leave immediately, as reinforcements will be arriving soon. Ike is put in charge of Elincia, and he tells her to go help his sister, Mist, pack their things while he gets her a horse.

As the two woman pack things up, they notice that Mist's medallion is glowing, and wonder why it's doing that.

During their journey. Soren and Shinon decide to inform Ike of about the inhabitants of Gallia: the laguz. The laguz are a race of humans with animal traits, who can transform into whatever animal they closely resemble. As they arrive at a dense and somewhat humid forest, they spot some more Daein soldiers ahead! They decide to split up into two teams, with Greil distracting the soldiers while Ike escorts the princess to the edge of the forest. After Ike's team makes it to their destination, they wait a bit for Greil. When he doesn't show up, Ike and a few others rush off to check up on him, while the others escort Elincia to Gallia.

Finding a massive fort in the middle of the forest, Ike and his group head inside, where they come face-to-face with one of the Four Riders of Daein: Petrine! As she threatens Ike to hand over Elincia, Greil arrives and challenges her to a duel. Greil then order Ike to find and escort the other members of his team out, which Ike does. However, instead of leaving, Ike chooses to go and help his father instead, which results in the two getting surrounded by Daein Soldiers!

Just when it seems like all is lost, some cat laguz, lead by a man named Ranulf, manage to scare the opposing soldiers away. Petrine orders the other to stay and fight, a mysterious individual called The Black Knight appears. As he is ranked higher in the Four Riders, he tells Petrine it's okay to retreat for now. The Black Knight and Greil shoot each other a nasty glare before The Black Knight leaves.

Back at the borders of Gallia, Ranulf reveals that Daein had managed to conquer Crimea. He then tells the mercenaries that he'll escort Princess Elincia to King Caineghis, as well as request if the Greil Mercenaries can meet with him as well. In the meantime, they'll stay put in an old, abandoned castle.

Later at night, Ike happens to spot his father wandering towards to forest, and rushes off after him. Greil tells his son to head back, but relents and chats with him for a bit. During this, Greil reveals that he chose Ike to lead the previous missions as he wants him to take over as leader of the Mercenaries at some point in the future, and this would be good experience for him. He then asks Ike if he recalls his mother, to which he says he can't. After that, Greil orders Ike to head back to the castle.

Instead of doing that, Ike decides to instead secretly follow his father, where he witnesses him engaged in a duel against the Black Knight! The Black Knight would toss Greil a sword called Ragnell, wanting Greil to wield it so they can fight more equally, but Greil refuses and sticks with his axe. They battle a bit more, but the Black Knight manages to find an opening and stabs Greil in the chest! He then demands that Greil gives him the Lehran's Medallion, with Greil claiming he threw it away a long time ago. Not believing that, the Black Knight decides to threaten Greil's son, Ike, to force the answer out of him.

After roughing Ike up a bit, the mighty roar of the King Caineghis could be heard. The Black Knight chooses to retreat, not wanting to deal with him. Though badly wounded himself, Ike picks his father up and carries him back to the castle in a deserate bid to get help. Greil, however, just tells his son to forget about trying to get revenge on the Black Knight, and to instead live a peaceful life in Gallia with Mist and the Greil Mercenaries.

The next day, Ike and Mist mourn over the death of their father. Ike decides to follow one of his father's wishes and takes over as the leader of the Greil Mercenaries. Ike and the others then continue to wait for their audience with King Caineghis, only to spot some Daein Soldiers approaching instead! Thanks to some help by two cat laguz - Mordecaia and Lethe - they manage to fight them off! Afterwards, the two laguz escort them to their king.

At the palace, Elincia gives her condolences to Ike and Mist for their loss. King Caineghis arrives, and welcomes them. He reveals to Ike that he used to be friends with his father. In fact, Greil and his wife used to live in Gallia, where Ike and Mist where born. However, after Greil's wife died through mysterious reasons, Greil decided to take Ike and Mist with him and move elsewhere. Caineghis suspected that someone was hunting Greil and his wife and asked Greil if he could help, but Greil refused his offer and simply left.

Caineghis then tells Ike that he and his mercenaries are welcome to live here. Ike appreciates the gesture, but wishes to go after the Black Knight for revenge instead. Intrigued by this, Caineghis asks Ike if he would be willing to lend aid to Princess Elincia and escort her to. Caineghis explains that though he would be happy to have the princess live here, the other laguz would not take well to a human living amongst them, not to mention that it would give Daein a perfect excuse to invade Gallia. Ike agrees, and so the mercenaries head to Crimea to secure a boat to Begnion.

During the trip, Ike and his mercenaries stop at Canteus Castle to rescue some prisoners. They also meet a mysterious individual there named Volke, who claims that Greil had hired him for a "report" that he would be willing to share for about 50,000 gold, but is willing to work for the mercenaries until Ike can pay him. Afterwards, they arrive at Toha, Crimea's port city. Some trouble occurs when some Daein Army arrive, looking for the Greil Mercenaries, but Ike and the others manage to get past them and get to the ship.

Following a few escapades on the sea, they arrive on the shores of Begnion. A woman named Tanith welcomes them and says she'll escort Elincia to the apostle of the land, but they all soon find out that the apostle has run off to deal with some invading raven laguz! Ike and the others help Tanith fight off the raven laguz, then go searching for the apostle, who they find out is a young girl named Sanaki. As thanks for the rescue, Sanaki escorts Ike, his mercenaries, and Elincia to her palace. where she and Elincia will discuss what to do.

Five days later, Sanaki sends Ike out on various missions, which Ike later finds out are to save the laguz who are being sold into slavery. Sanaki congratulates Ike for finding this out, as she's been trying to stop this for quite a while. She then gives Ike his final mission: head to Serenes Forest to investigate Bishop Oliver, where Ike finds out that Oliver is hiding many laguz slaves, including a laguz who was thought to be extinct: a heron named Reyson. Ike and his mercenaries manage to free the laguz, but when Ike tries to help Reyson, he tells Ike that he'll never forgive the humans for killing his people before running off.

Wanting answers, Sanaki reveals that twenty years ago, her mother was assassinated, and rumors spread that the heron laguz caused it. Filled with grief and anger, the people burned the home of the heron, Serenes Forest, to the ground. However, they all soon grew to  regret doing so, and Sanaki desperately wants to atone for her people's sins and make things right. Thus, she asks Ike to find Reyson so she can meet him and apologize.

Ike and his mercenaries head off to find Reyson, during which they find another heron, a woman named Leanne, sleeping deep in the secluded parts of the woods. Unfortunately, Oliver arrives, and upon seeing Leanne, wants to add her to his collection! Ike picks her up, and with the help of his mercenaries, fights off Oliver's guards. They then pursue after Oliver. From afar, Tibarn, Ulki, Janaff, and Reyson notice Ike protecting Reyson's long-lost sister, and they decide to help him. After defeating Oliver, Reyson reunites with Leanne, and the two accept Sanaki's apology for what her people have done.

The next day, Sanaki announces that she's willing to help Elincia rebuild Crimea. With that, Ike assumes his work is done, but is told that Elincia still needs him. However, as he can't go around as a nameless mercenary, Elcinia gives him peerage, promoting him to the lord class and making him the general of her new soldiers: the Crimean Liberation Army! Their first goal is to head to Daein and end the tyranny of Mad King Ashnard!

Ike and his army then conquer a few of Daein's forts, one which hides a massive amount of treasure! Ike decides to use about 50,000 of the gold to pay Volke to hear what his report is. Upon being payed Volke reveals there was no report, it was all a test. He then tells Ike that long ago, Greil hired him to assassinate him should he ever go berserk. When Ike asks what he means by "going berserk," Volke elaborates by telling him about the Lehan's Medallion that Ike's sister, Mist, keeps on her.

The Lehran's Medallion drives whoever holds it mad, and brings out the worst in them. That is, unless the holder has the perfect blend of Balance and Chaos in their heart. Ike's mother was one of those people. Ten years ago, Greil managed to grab a hold of the unattended medallion, and ended up going on a rampage, killing twenty skilled soldiers and various neighbors without breaking a sweat. His wife decided to risk her life to stop him. Though she managed to get it out of his hand, he ended up stabbing her by accident. As their daughter Mist also had the perfect blend of Balance and Chaos, she was given the medallion and told to hold on to it, no matter what.

After that tragedy, Greil sought out Volke, having heard tales of him, and told him his proposition. Volke initially declined, due to Greil being world-renowned as a strong warrior, but changed his mind when Greil willingly crippled himself by slashing at the tendons in his sword hand.

With all that said, Volke then offers his services to Ike, which Ike can either accept or decline.

The next day, Mist informs Ike that her medallion was stolen! Ike assures her they'll get it back, and begin to search for it as they conquer more areas of Daein. Upon arriving at the capital, Ike leads his army to the throne room, expecting to fight Ashnard... instead, they are confronted by a young woman named Ena, who informs Ike that Ashnard is currently residing in Crimea's capital city. Ike and his army manage to defeat her, and find out one of their members, Nasir, stole Mist's medallion and gave it to the Daein! Angered by this betrayal, Ike holds him in custody. Before he leaves, Nasir tells Ike to head to Palmeni Temple.

The next day, Ike decides to trust Nasir's words and heads to the Palmeni Temple. Some Daein soldiers hiding inside try to lay a trap on Ike, but he and his army thwart them. Afterwards, Reyson notices some ancient writing on the walls, written by his older sister, Lillia, and begins to read it.

Twenty years ago, right after Serenes Forest burned down, she was captured by an unknown man. He tried to force her to revive a dark god that was sealed away, but she refused, not only because it was wrong, but because she lacked the ability to do so. She was then locked away in a small room for the rest of her life until they could get her to comply, where she then began to grow ill and weak.

Despite the terrible things going on, a kind blue-haired woman began to stop by and care for her. They couldn't understand one another, but they grew close. Eventually, they were able to communicate to each other, and Lillia entrusted the woman with a song... and a peculiar medallion. The woman's name?

Elena. Ike and Mist's mother.

With all of this info, Ike and his army piece together that Ashnard was responsible for killing the former Begnion apostle, and framed the heron clan so that the townspeople would burn down Serenes Forest.

Ike hands over the ruling of Daein to a Begnion soldier named Zelgius while he leads the Crimean Liberation Army to Melior to defeat Ashnard. At the Great Bridge, Ike and his army free some of Elincia's retainers. One of the them, Lucia, informs Elincia that the others are hiding out at Castle Delbray, so they head there next. As they approach the castle, a knight approaches them and tells them that Daein soldiers have invaded, and that they should retreat! Elcinia refuses, and Ike agrees with her, wanting to help her save her retainers and people!

During their rescue, the Black Knight arrives, but Ike chooses to focus on saving the others. Once that's done, Ike confronts the Black Knight. Ike tries to attack the Black Knight, but isn't able to lay a scratch on him! The Black Knight reveals that his armor is blessed by the goddess, and thus only the divine sword, Ragnell, can hurt him. He then teleports away, telling Ike to bring Ragnell with him so they can have a proper battle.

At Marhaut Range, King Caineghis and his army unites with Ike and his army, after which Ike decides to inform everyone of what he learned about his father Greil, as well as Ashnard's plan to revive the dark god. Once that's all said, Tibarn reveals that the Black Knight has managed to capture Reyson's sister, Leanne!

The next path before them laid Fort Pinell and Nados Castle. Since Fort Pinell had more soldiers, Tibarn suggested it was best for Ike to invade Fort Pinell while he leads a small army to distract Nados Castle, and Ike agrees. Before they head off, Princess Elincia, brandishing a sword and with a Pegasus at her side, tells Ike that she wants to help in the upcoming battles. As she is their employer, Ike is okay with her joining the fight.

Ike and his army manage to conquer Fort Pinell, and plan to invade Nados Castle next. Tibarn regroups with Ike and informs him and the others that the Black Knight has arrived at Nados Castle. Seeing it as a chance to get revenge, Ike and the others storm Nados Castle and deal with the Daein general hiding inside, Hafedd. Afterwards, Ike heads off to confront the Black Knight alone.

As Ike enters the room, he witness the Black Knight slash Ena, who Ashnard had no further use for. The Black Knight assures Ike that the wound he inflected on her isn't fatal, but if he wishes to save her, he has to get by him. Mist also rushes in, wanting to help her brother fight the Black Knight too, though Ike insists she stays back. Some Daein soldiers arrive, but the Black Knight orders them to stay back, so they decide to focus on Mist instead.

Despite the odds being heavily stacked against them, Ike manages to defeat the Black Knight, while Mist takes care of the backup soldiers. Surprised by this turn of events, more Daein soldiers arrive and decide to activate their trap which will bring the whole castle down!

Suddenly, Nasir, who managed to escape from his jail cell quite a while ago, shows up and yells at Ike and Mist to escape! Nasir picks up Ena and the four make it out. Afterwards, Nasir reveals the reason he betrayed Ike was because Ena was his granddaughter, and Ashnard was holding her hostage, so he was doing what he could to save her. Ike understands, and decides to forgive Nasir, allowing him to fight alongside them once more.

Ike then leads his army to Gritnea Tower, where they rescue Leanne. Afterwards, he and the Crimean Liberation Army spend the rest of the day planning their invasion of Melior. The next day, Princess Elincia gives a speech to Ike's army, with Ike giving his own as well. (After a bit of prodding from his sister, Mist.) With that out of the way, Ike and Elincia lead their army to storm Melior Castle.

At the castle, Ashnard sends his men after Ike, Elincia, and the rest of the army. Ike and his friends manage to fight them off, leaving only Ashnard and his wyvern. Ashnard then reveals that he has Lehran's Medallion, and uses it to become the terrifying Berserk Ashnard! Despite knowing the danger, Ike presses on and confronts him, and after a fierce fight, manages to slay him, ending his tyranny.

Afterwards, Ike thanks everyone in helping him take down Ashnard and helping Elincia reclaim Crimea. The members of the Gallian Army and the Begnion Army give their thanks to Ike as well, before returning back to their homes. Meanwhile, Mist gives Lehran's Medallion to Leanne, as she thinks it'll be safer in her hands.

A few months later, Ike and Mist are waiting for Elincia's crowning as the Queen of Crimea. Titania approaches the two and tells Ike that Elincia wants to see him. At the throne room, Elincia tells Ike that both of them are to greet the people of Crimea, but she's quite nervous about it. But with some encouragement from Ike, the two head outside the castle to greet the people, who cheer the two on for saving the kingdom.

Three years later, "Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn" occurs. While the common folk praised Ike for his heroics in saving Crimea, the nobles have become restless and irritated that Elincia had promoted a "commoner" to such the esteemed rank of lord. Thus, to get away from all the complaints - as well as take some heat off of Elincia - Ike renounced his Crimean Knighthood, and has returned to leading the Greil Mercenaries.

Ike and his Mercenaries make their first appearance at the end of "Chapter 2-Endgame: Elincia's Gambit," where they arrive just in time to save Lucia. Turns out that one of the aristocrats, Ludveck, was planning on overthrowing Elincia. Another member of the senate, Bastian, managed to find this out, and hired Ike to help him stop their plans. Before Ike and his mercenaries leave back to Crimea Fort, Elincia informs Ike that she has heard rumors that, despite what happened three years ago, the Black Knight lives.

"Chapter 3-Prologue: The Great Advance" is where the game focuses on Ike and the Greil Mercenaries. Back home, Ranulf visits Ike and requests his assistance. They have found out from another heron survivor, Rafiel, that Ashnard wasn't responsible for igniting the burning of Serenes Forest and the genocide of the heron clan. It was, in fact the senators of Begnion! The laguz would form the Laguz Alliance and send some of their representatives to question the Begnion Senators, and they responded by killing them!

Upon hearing that, Ike agrees to help him and the Laguz Alliance. Additionally, Caineghis's nephew, Skrimir, is tagging along, as his uncle wanted him to learn about strategy by watching Ike. Soren and Titania are worried that this war could awaken the dark god residing in the Lehran's Medallion, though Ranulf assures them that if it does escape, Reyson, Leanne, and Rafiel can sing the galdr to it to keep it at bay.

Arriving at Begnion, Ike and his mercenaries begin to conquer Flaguerre and Mughil, making their way to the Telgam region and overwhelming the defenses there. With the string of successes, they decide to storm the capital of Begnion, where most of the corrupt senators live. Though they manage to defeat the general, Begnion's Central Army begins to approach from the south. As Tibarn and the bird laguz were sent to distract and deal with them, Ike worries if they're alright, since the Central Army's arrival implies something went wrong. Making things worse, there are enemies to the north who are preparing to approach. Thus, they decides it's best to retreat.

A bit later down the road, Tibarn arrives at the Laguz Alliance Camp, and Ike notices he has a bit of blood on his wings. Reyson and Janaff soon arrive, and informs Ike that the leader of the Central Army is Zelgius, which gives Ike some worry since elguis is considered one of the best warriors of this lifetime. Regardless, Tibarn tells him that he and the rest of the Hawk clan are willing to help Ike and Ranulf try and stop what Begnion Senators are doing.

At Ribahn River, Soren hatches a plan to disrupt the Central Army, which manages to work. They try a similar strategy at Castle Gados, but it quickly gets derailed when Zelgius sends a challenge to Skrimir, to which he eagerly accepts to Ike's dismay.

Ike assembles a strike force to assist and rescue Skrimir. Unfortunately, he was too late, as Zelgius has managed to effortlessly defeat him. Zelgius then offers them the chance to ask for a peace treaty, and that they would have three days to comply. He also informs them that Skrimir is still alive, just badly wounded, and that they should hurry and treat his wounds. Fear and dread begin to grow in the Laguz Alliance, and Ranulf thinks it's better they retreat back to Gallia, thus the Laguz Alliance retreat, and Ike and his mercenaries are back to being free agents.

Back at the previous castle they conquered, Ike is informed by Titania that Begnion soldiers are attacking! Ike realizes that they were possibly waiting for the Laguz Alliance to leave before striking, and decides to fight back. After that, Ike is informed that Ranulf and the Alguz Alliance are under attack, thus he leads his mercenaries to go help them. Upon arriving, Ike learns that the Daein Army has sided with the Begnion Kingdom, which confuses him as he thought they would be busy with reconstruction, not to mention that Daein disliked Begnion in general.

Ike is told by Soren that the leader of the Daein Army is a girl named Micaiah, who the people of Daein see as their savior, since she has managed to free her people from tyranny. Since fighting her army head-on would result in a lot of death, they decide to have Ike lead a decoy group to distract them, allowing the rest of the army to safely retreat.

During the skirmish, Ike crosses paths with the Black Knight once more. He tells Ike that that he let him win the duel last time, and that the blessing on his armor has run out, allowing them to fight as equals. Ike manages to just barely beat him, after which the Black knight informs him that they will meet again. Afterwards, Ike is informed that the beast laguz have successfully escaped. Since Micaiah and her army are now surrounded, she orders a retreat.

Ike then begins leading the laguz back to Gallia, thus they head to Serenes Forest to take a secret path. However, they quickly learn that Zelgius and his army are hot on their trail! With no other option, they decide to duck into the dangerous Kauku Caves. On the other side, they arrive at Goldoa, land of the dragons! The King of Goldoa, Dheginsea, is displeased by this and orders them to head back the way they came, though Nasir and Ena manage to convince him to let them lead Ike and the others back to Gallia safely.

Back at Gallia, they learn that Zelgius's Begnion Army has crossed Crimea's borders and are quickly approaching Gallia. Tibarn thinks it would be best if they deal with them as quickly as possible before they arrive, to which Ike and the others agrees. Before both armies begin to fight, Queen Elincia arrives and demands that the two armies take their fight elsewhere. Tibarn and Skrimir both agree, as well as Zelgius. However, Zelgius's Senator, Valtome, doesn't, and tries to assassinate Queen Elincia. Ike, his mercenaries, and the Laguz Alliance quickly rush in to save the queen!

Managing to defeat and humiliate Valtome, Apostle Sanaki suddenly arrives. She reveals to Ike and the others that she did receive the letter from Caineghis about how the senators caused the burning of Serenes Forest, and was looking into things. However, the leader of the senators, Lekain, learned of this and had imprisoned her. She eventually managed to escape, and thus asks the Kingdoms of Gallia and Crimea to assist her in reclaiming Begnion and ending the senators tyranny. They agree, on the condition that she also helps the laguz and return the Serenes Forest to the Heron clan, which she happily agrees to.

Before they head out, Sanaki decides to make Ike the commander of this new army, much to his chagrin. He suggests she appoints Zelgius instead, but she reveals he left for Begnion to try and rescue Prime Minister Sephiran, thus he reluctantly accepts his new position. Sanaki also gives him the legendary blade, Ragnell, to use once more.

Just before they're about to head out, Ike learns that Micaiah and her Army have arrived, wanting him to hand over Sanaki. Ike decides it's best to quickly deal with her and leads his army against her. Meanwhile, Sanaki petitions the current ruler of Daein, Pelleas, asking if they can cross over his borders to Begnion. They wait for a couple of days, but he never responds; thus she reluctantly orders Ike and his army to march not through the heart of Daein, but along the mountains.

During the trip, Micaiah and her army return and launches a sneak attack on the apostle! Ike and Tibarn come rushing in. Tibarn turns into a hawk and grabs her friend Sothe, holding him over a cliff, while Ike orders Micaiah to back down. She simply tells him she can't, thus Tibarn drops her friend. Another hawk laguz named Ulki catches Sothe and lets him down safely, after which they tell Micaiah that this was just a warning. As Micaiah and her troops leave, Ike assets the damages with Soren. Rafiel then shows up, and reveals the the Lehan's Medalion is glowing brighter. If the war keeps up, the dark god will surely burst free from it!

Ike decides it would be best to quickly deal with Micaiah and her army, less they get overwhelmed by her and Begnion's army, thus he leads his army to her hideout at Castle Nox. Rafiel also tags along, as he wishes to speak to Micaiah. A fierce battle begins between the two, and Ike manages to get her to retreat to a small section of the castle. However, before they can barge in, a giant black dragon arrives, with Elincia and Ena in tow!

The dragon turns into his human form, revealing he's the Prince of Goldoa, Kurthnaga! He manages to convince both armies to have a brief truce, during which Ike realizes that the Lehan's Medllion is now glowing with blue flames. Ena reveals that the other name for the Lehan's Medalion is the "Fire Emblem," and that the blue flames signal that the dark god is getting close to being freed!

Kurthnaga and Rafiel have a discussion with Micaiah. A bit later, Ena informs Ike that the two have decided to join forces with Micaiah, but they won't say why. Thus, Ike is forced to lead his army to confront Micaiah's once more. As they slay the Daein soldiers, the Fire Emblem begins to burn brighter and brighter. Many of the laguz begin to struggle seeing clearly; Reyson, Leanne, and Rafiel all faint; and Micaiah begins to hear a voice in her head. Ike's sister, Mist, tells Ike to get Sanaki and have her sing the galdr of release to the Fire Emblem to safely release the dark god before fainting.

Ike calls for Sanaki. She sings the melody, but nothing happens. Micaiah approaches, and tells them that the melody alone isn't enough, they also need lyrics, and she just so happens to know them. Thus, she sings the galdr of release to safely release the dark god. Afterwards, everyone hears a loud noise from outside. Ike and the others rush out, where they find that a majority of Ike's army, as well as Micaiah's army, have turned to stone!

Having been freed from the medallion, Micaiah allows the Goddess of Chaos, Yune, to temporarily take over her body so she can speak to everyone. Yune goes on to explain that she wasn't responsible for turning everyone to stone. It was her sister, Ashera: the Goddess of Order. A long time ago, humans and laguz made a promise to Ashera that they wouldn't start a war amongst all of Tellius's nations for about 1000 years. Once 1000 years were up, Ashera would wake up and judge humanity.

However, thanks to the current war happening, only 780 years have passed. If Ashera had been woken up by the all of the fighting happening, she would've killed humanity right then and there. However, thanks to Sanaki and Micaiah singing the Galdr of Release, Yune woke up first, and now Ashera has to discuss what to do with Yune before taking action. Of course, Ashera turning the people into stone went against this promise from long ago, so Yune asks Ike and the others for help to turn the people back to normal.

Surprised that the so-called "dark god" is acting pretty nice and reasonable, they agree to help, especially since they want to save Tellius from destruction. As thanks, Yune decides to promote Ike to a Vanguard, then tells them their destination is the Tower of Guidance. Yune separates from Micaiah, turns into a bird, and heads off ahead of them. Ike, Tibarn, and Micaiah split into three separate teams and decide to journey on three separate paths to reach the Tower, in hopes that Ashera won't catch on to them.

Ike leads his army to the west, where they fight against Ashera's Chosen Ones. A few days later, Ike and his army arrive at the Tower of Guidance, which appears to be glowing. Near the tower is Micaiah, Tibarn, and their armies. Yune congratulates everyone for arriving, and tells them she's been going around Tellius to recruit others for their cause, such as King Caineghis.

Just then, Ashera revives some of the dead soldiers that Tibarn and his army dealt with earlier, and sends them after the group. Yune begins to worry that she's sent everyone to their deaths, but Ike reassures her that they can still turn things around. Yune then suggests it's best that Ike takes sixteen members of the army with him to fight against Ashera, while the rest deal with these revived soldiers. Ike picks Micaiah, Sothe, Sanaki, Ena, Kurthnaga, one of the three herons - Rafiel, Reyson, or Leanne - and ten others, then leads them inside.

As they climb the Tower, Ike crosses paths with the Black Knight once more. After a small clash, the Black Knight reveals himself to be Zelgius. He tells Ike that Ike's father, Greil, was once his mentor, and he wished to surpass him. By fighting Ike, he would be fighting Greil, which is good enough for him. Ike sees this as the perfect opportunity to avenge his father's killer, and thus, Zelgius sets up a magical barrier so no one from Ike's army can interfere with them.

The battle is fierce, but Ike manages to emerge victorious. In his dying moments, Zelgius is content, as he feels that Ike was close enough to Greil's skills back in his prime, thus he passes away happily

Ike continues to lead his army to the top of the tower, where Ashera resides. Yune tries to argue with Ashera to spare everyone and give them another chance, as 1000 years haven't passed yet. Not to mention that both of them were awoken by the galdr of release rather than war. Even Ike tells her that, while mankind might not be perfect, they can still try and learn from their mistakes. Ashera, however, remains unconvinced, and replies she's not only going to destroy mankind, but her sister, Yune, as well. With no other options left, Ike decides to challenge her to save everyone.

Yune informs everyone that it would be best to destroy her aura first, as it's protecting her. Once they accomplish that, Ike rushes straight up to Ashera. Ashera attempts to dissuade Ike by telling him how hopeless the situation is, but Ike refuses to back down. Thus they engage in combat, exchanging blows to one another.

Ike manages to get Ashera on the ropes. Yune decides to give Ike all of her power so he can defeat Ashera for good, causing him and his sword, Ragnell, to glow with a blue aura. With one fell swoop, Ike manages to defeat Ashera, saving everyone in Tellius.

Yune considers leaving the lands, as she thinks that she and her sister Ashera had failed everyone, but Ike assures her that she's helped inspire everyone, so the world still needs her. With this, Yune decides to stay in Tellius. She then turns into a bird, and heads off to unpetrify everyone. Afterwards, Yune fuses with her fallen sister, Ashera. Together, they become Ashunera, the original Goddess of Dawn, and she decides to watch over and protect the people of Tellius once more.

Afterwards, Ike has a short friendly battle with King Caineghis. He then escorts Elincia back home to Crimea. Afterwards, Ike leaves Tellius for parts unknown, and his friend Soren tags along with him as well, if various certain criteria are meant. Ike is never seen or heard from again, but Ike's story goes down in history.

Personality-wise, Ike is described as blunt, but genuine and loyal. In the early parts of "Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance," Ike is pretty reserved yet a bit socially awkward due to his sheltered upbringing, being quite naive to the way the world works. He's also quick to anger. However, following his father's death, as well as being forced to take over the Greil Mercenaries, he quickly matures. By "Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance," he's become pretty social and doesn't let his anger get the better of him.

Ike can also be quite sympathetic towards others, including enemies and those who betray him, worrying about what could've lead them to that point. When facing one of those enemies, he'll always offer them the choice to surrender and leave.

Ike also isn't fond of being put in the spotlight, as well as being in command of a large army, preferring the anonymity of leading within the Greil Mercenaries, though his strong sense of duty and loyalty compels him to accept it when he has to.

Besides that, Ike also has quite the appetite, with it being compared to the laguz, who also eat more than humans. His personal favorites meals are spicy meat dishes, like ribs and steak.

In Super Smash Bros., Ike fights his foes with the sword, Ragnell, which can deliver scorching-hot blue flames on his foes. You can also play as either his younger "Path of Radiance" look, or his older "Radiant Dawn" look. Don’t expect to receive any mercy from Ike on the battlefield!

Special Moves 

Neutral Special: Eruption

By holding the Special Button, Ike holds his sword above him. Releasing the Special Button will have Ike slam the sword into the ground, creating a fiery explosion!

If you charge it up all the way...


Ike fires three pillars of flames out in front of him, ensuring he can hit somebody! Not only is it powerful, it can shatter an opponent’s shield in an instant! However, Ike will take 10% recoil damage upon using a fully charged Eruption, regardless if he lands the move on the opponent or not.

Unfortunately, the move takes quite a while to fully charge. The only way you might be able to land the move on the foe is if they're stunned.

Somewhat inspired by how the Goddess of Chaos, Yune, gives Ike's sword Ragnell all of her power, causing Ike and Ragnell to emit an aura of blue flames in "Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn."

The eruption of fire is somewhat similar to the powerful fire spell, Bolganone, though Ike isn’t capable of using it since he needs to be a mage, and he isn't able to reclass into one.

Side Special: Quick Draw

By holding the Special Button, Ike gets in a crouching position. Releasing the Special Button will have Ike dash forward at incredible speeds! If anyone is in front of him, he’ll halt his momentum and swing his sword towards them, flinging them away!

How far Ike goes and how powerful the sword swing is depends on how long you charge it.

Inspired by Ike’s Critical Hit animation in “Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.” 

Up Special: Aether

Ike throws his sword upward. Anyone who was in front of Ike during this will get flung with the sword.

Afterwards, Ike then jumps after his sword, where he then grabs it and twirls around in the air for a bit before flying downwards at incredibly speed, dragging anyone he hits down with him!

Inspired by the Aether skill that Ike can obtain in both “Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance” and “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.” In those games, Aether is a two-hit move.

The first hit has Ike throw his sword into the sky, then jumping after it. He then grabs it and performs a twirling dive into the foe, and if it hits, he'll restore some of his HP. (How much he heals depends on how much damage he's dealt to the foe.)

The second hit is a rising strike Ike does to put some distance between him and the foe, and the move does double the damage to the enemy unit.

The recovery aspect and the second hit are represented in Super Smash Bros. 

Down Special: Counter

Ike gets in a defensive stance. If anyone happens to attack him while he’s in this pose...

...Ike counters by swinging his sword at the foe while shouting “Gotcha!” (if he's in his “Path of Radiance” outfit) or “Amateur!” (if he's in his “Radiant Dawn” outfit.)

Inspired by the core element of the Fire Emblem games. When a foe attacks the player’s unit, the unit will retaliate if they are equipped with a weapon that has a compatible range. (example: if the foe attacks your unit up close and your unit is holding a sword, they can counter; if the foe attacks from afar and your unit is holding a sword, they can’t because the foe is too far away) This also applies vice-versa when the player’s unit attacks a foe. Neither will retaliate if their HP drops to 0, in which case they are defeated.

“Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance” would introduce the Counter skill. How much damage it deals to the foe depends on the game – from half of the damage the user received to all of the damage the user received – but it allows it’s user to deal extra damage in addition to the retaliation attack.

Ike is capable of learning Counter by finding and using the Counter Scroll. 

Final Smash: Great Aether

Ike swings his sword upwards! Anyone hit gets sent to the top-center of the stage. Ike then jumps up after them to deliver various powerful blows with his sword, his fists, and his feet!

After this barrage of attacks, Ike then swings his sword above him, before slamming it on the opponent, dragging himself and his foe down to the ground. Once they land on solid ground, a massive explosion occurs as the foe goes flying away!

Inspired by the Aether skill that Ike can obtain in both “Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance” and “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn,” as well as the final fight against Ashera in "Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn."

After Yune lends Ike her power, Ike and his sword, Ragnell, glow with a blue aura of flames. Ike then attacks Ashera, and the final hit involves him jumping high into the air and landing right at Ashera's feet as he slams his sword down at her.

Additional Notes

According to Snake’s Codec Conversation, Ike’s sword, Ragnell, is a two-handed weapon, due to how heavy it is. Ike must be pretty strong to be able to swing it with one hand!

Ike’s has a few “out of character” quotes in Super Smash Bros., most infamously his “You’ll get no sympathy from me” victory quote, which clashes with the fact he gives everyone he meets sympathy.

In "Super Smash Bros. Brawl," all of Ike's flame attacks were colored as regular orange flames. "Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U" would give recolor the flames to the more appropriate blue color scheme.

While Ike has no involvement in the plot, Ike's sword, Ragnall, is shown being under the ownership of a descendant of his named Priam in "Fire Emblem Awakening." Ragnell appears to have gotten a bit rusty over the years, as not only is it losing its original golden glow, its now capable of being broken.

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