Monday, June 7, 2021

Super Smash Bros. Fighters – EarthBound/Mother series – 01 Ness

Super Smash Bros. Fighters – EarthBound/Mother series – 01 Ness 


In the EarthBound/Mother series: EarthBound (1994)
In the Super Smash Bros. series: Super Smash Bros. 64 (1999)

Boxing Ring Title: The PSI Powerhouse 

Theme Song: Smiles and Tears

Ness is a kind and courageous 12-year old boy who is the main protagonist of EarthBound. (or as it’s called in Japan: “Mother 2: Giygas Strikes Back”) Along with his psychic powers, Ness also wields Baseball Bats and Yo-yos as his main weapons during his adventure.

In the year 199X at the town of Onett, Ness was awoken from his sleep by a meteor that crashed somewhere nearby his house. Ness headed off to investigate, only to see that the police blocked off the road to the meteor. Heading back home and telling his mom and his sister, Tracy, of his discovery, Ness went back to sleep.

Until his annoying neighbor - and possibly friend - Porky Minch starts knocking very loudly on the door. Turns out Porky's little kid brother, Picky, went missing during Porky and Picky's own investigation on the meteor, and Porky wants Ness to help him find Picky before their parents get home. With Ness's dog, King, also tagging along, the three would find Picky resting near the Meteorite.

Suddenly, a small alien named Buzz Buzz would emerge from the Meteor. Buzz Buzz informs the three that an alien invader named Giygas has returned to Earth and will bring disaster to the future. However, Ness is one of the four chosen ones who can prevent it; thus he is given the task to seek out the Eight Sanctuaries to obtain Eight Melodies that will tie together the Earth's powers to stop Giygas.

During his journey, Ness comes across other members of the Chosen Four: Paula, another psychic girl who needed rescuing from the Happy Happyist cultists in Happy Happy Town; Jeff, a quiet inventor who is the son of the famous Dr. Andonuts; and Poo, a prince from a faraway kingdom who felt the need to help Ness on his journey.
Ness's family also help him out. His little sister, Tracy, does so by working part-time with the Escargo Express to store and deliver items to him. (not personally, as she sends someone else there to get/deliver them.) His mom covers for him missing class and will also comfort and re-assure him if he's feeling homesick. His unseen dad sends Ness money every time Ness and his friends defeat a foe, as well as saving Ness's progress whenever Ness calls him.

Ness would also occasionally cross paths with Porky Minch, who was slowly turning on humanity and supporting Giygas's plans to destroy the Earth.

After a long journey, Ness would manage to obtain the Eight Melodies. Ness would then enter the World of Magicant. a magical place created from his mind. There, he would travel to the Sea of Eden, where he would find and battle "Ness's Nightmare," a physical manifestation of all of his evil thoughts. Thanks to the help of the Flying Men, Ness would manage to overcome his evil manifestation and gain a massive power boost.

Returning to the to real world, Ness and his friends head to Saturn Valley, where Jeff's dad Dr. Andonuts, the Mr. Saturns, and Apple Kid have built a machine called the Phase Distorter II! (The first one was stolen by Porky) The Phase Distorter II is a machine that will send Ness and his friends to the location where Gigyas is currently hiding. During a test run, Ness and friends end up getting burnt to a crisp, after which Dr. Andonuts reveal that they need a rare element called "Zexonyte" in order for it to work properly. Zexonyte can only be found in meteors, though. Recalling the meteor that fell in his hometown, Ness and his friends head there to get some.

During their second test run, it proves successful, though they end up simply arriving at Gigyas's hideout in the present rather than the distant past. After a bit of wandering, Dr. Andonuts, Apple Kid, and a Mr. Saturn arrive with the Phase Distorter III, which is able to travel through time! However, since traveling through time will slowly destroy their bodies, they agree to have Andonuts transfer their minds into robots to ensure they will survive the trip.

In the distant past, Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo would make their way to a cave, where they encounter the Intergalactic Destroyer Giygas... as well as Porky Minch, who is not only riding inside of a Heavily Armed Machine, but also has very pale, zombie-like skin. Porky explains to the group that Giygas has gained powers so great that he completely shattered his mind, and thus the only way Giygas can remain stable was to seal himself inside the ominously named "Devil's Machine." With that, Ness and his friends engage in battle against Giygas and Porky. However, the group begin to realize their attacks aren't having much of an effect on Gigyas, so they decide to instead focus on dealing with Porky first.

Realizing he's being outmatched, Porky decides to deactivate the Devil's Machine before stepping aside to watch from the sidelines. Giygas is released, and with nothing to keep his psychic powers in check, he ends up trapping everyone within a nightmarish and unfathomable dimension of his crumbling mind. Despite being scared out of their wits, Ness and friends gathered their courage and bravely fought on. However, it soon became apparent that they stood no chance of winning, with Porky even mocking Ness about about running home and crying to his mom. As their hope began to fade, Paula began to pray for someone, anyone to help them.

Her prayers would get answered by the various people they've met and/or helped on their journey. This even includes the player, who personally delivers the final blow to Gigyas, ensuring his defeat.

As Giygas begins to fade away into nothingness, Porky decides to cowardly flee by using the Phase Distorter, but not before telling Ness that they will cross paths again. After that, the robot bodies that Ness and his friends are in break down, but their souls manage to escape and return to their bodies in the present.

Waking up, the four are congratulated and praised as Earth's heroes! With that, Poo would head back to the Kingdom of Dalaam to use what he learned on his journey to better lead his people, while Jeff decides to stick with his dad to learn more from him. Paula decides to stick with Ness as they both travel back to their respective hometowns, though the player has the option of bringing Paula back home with Ness instead of dropping her off at her home.

Regardless of the choice, during the trip back to Ness's house, Ness receives a phone call from his dad saying he'll be back home in time to celebrate Ness's upcoming 13th Birthday! Once Ness makes it back to his place, he, Tracy, their mother – and Paula too if she was brought along – look at the photos that were taken during Ness’s journey as the credits roll.

After that, the final scene of the game is Ness once again getting woken up in the middle of the night from someone knocking on his door, but this time it's Picky Minch. Once Ness opens the door, Picky gives Ness a note that Porky wanted him to deliver.

“Come and get me loser. Spankety, spankety, spankety!”

While Ness doesn't physically appear in the game's sequel "Mother 3", he does get referenced occasionally in the story. In Chapter 5, a robot maid named Lil’ Miss Marshmallow is guarding an item called “Friend’s Yo-yo” for King P, and its heavily implied to have belonged to Ness.

In Chapter 8 at New Pork City, a hat similar to Ness’s called the “Red Hat” can be purchased, as well as a “Fake Baseball Bat” that could be based on any of the baseball bats Ness wielded on his adventures. Finally, a movie theater in New Pork City is showing a movie portraying the adventures Ness and his friends went on. This "King P" guy seems to be obsessed with Ness... wonder why?

Personality-wise, Ness is described as a brave and courageous young boy. He's also very kind-hearted, willing to help others no matter what, which has helped make him pretty popular amongst his peers. Ness is also pretty close to his family. In fact, he tends to get homesick on occasion, and the only way to cure it is to either call his mother on the phone, head back home, or visit Dr. Saturn. Ness's favorite food is steak, though the player does have the option to make it anything they want at the beginning of the game.

In Super Smash Bros., Ness wields his baseball bat, his yo-yo, and his powerful PSI moves to gain the upper-hand on foes! Watch out for this telepathic kid!

Special Moves 

Neutral Special: PK Flash

Ness fires off a small green ball of psychic energy. It slowly flies upwards before falling towards the ground. As you hold the Special Button, its power and size increases. You can also change the direction its moving with the Control Stick.

Releasing the Special Button will have Ness cause the green ball of psychic energy to explode, damaging anyone nearby! The longer you've charged the move, the bigger the explosion will be, as well as the knockback and damage.

Due to how long it takes to charge it to its full power, this move will certainly be difficult to land.

Inspired by one of Ness’s moves, PSI Flash, introduced in "EarthBound". It has four levels of strength: α (Alpha), β (Beta), γ (Gamma), and Ω (Omega).

PSI Flash α will only cause enemies to cry or feel strange. PSI Flash β can also cause enemies to feel numb or be instantly defeated. PSI Flash γ and Ω each increase the chance of more powerful effects and decrease the chance of weaker ones.

The high damage a fully charged PK Flash does may be a reference to PSI Flash β's, γ's, and Ω's ability to KO a foe in one hit. 

Side Special: PK Fire

Ness fires a lightning bolt at a slight downward angle. If it hits an enemy or an destroy-able item, an eruption of flames will spawn, which can damage a foe multiple times.

If used in the air, Ness fires the lightning bolt in a more downwards direction.

Inspired by the move PSI Fire, introduced in “EarthBound Beginnings”. It has four levels of strength: α (Alpha), β (Beta), γ (Gamma), and Ω (Omega).

In all three installments of the series, PSI Fire involves the user using pyrokinesis to shoot fire at all of the enemies. In “EarthBound”, it gained the additional effect of decreasing an enemy’s PSI Shield strength by 1.

Ness firing PK Fire as a Lightning Bolt may be inspired from Master Green's method of attack from the unrelated “Kirby’s Dream Land 2” game.

Notably, Ness isn't able to learn PSI Fire in "EarthBound, but his girlfriend Paula can.

Up Special: PK Thunder

Ness fires a small ball of lightning directly upwards from his head. The player can control where the lightning ball goes. It deals pretty decent damage and knockback, but instantly disappears upon hitting it’s target. Unless the foe happens to hit the lightning trail behind it, in which case it’ll continue onward. 

If you have PK Thunder hit Ness, he’ll go flying off while covered with electricity. Anyone he hits is gonna suffer major damage and knockback!

Depending on where PK Thunder hits him will determine where he goes flying. For example, if it hits him from underneath, he’ll go flying upwards, while if it hits him from above, he’ll go flying downward.

Inspired by the move, PSI Thunder, introduced in “EarthBound Beginnings”. In that game, it only had three levels of strength: α (Alpha), β (Beta), and γ (Gamma). Starting in “EarthBound”, a fourth level of power, Ω (Omega), was added.

In “EarthBound”. PSI Thunder α hits only one foe, β can hit two foes, γ can hit three foes, and Ω can hit four foes. However, all of them have a small chance of missing the target.

Notably, Ness isn't able to learn PSI Thunder in "EarthBound", but his girlfriend Paula can, as well as his friend Prince Poo. 

Down Special: PSI Magnet

As you hold the Special Button, Ness surrounds himself in a PSI Barrier. Any Energy Projectile – like Mario’s Fire Balls – will get absorbed and heal Ness.

It can also slightly damage foes. It’ll continue to damage foes about every half second, but due to how weak it is, this shouldn’t be relied upon.

Inspired by the move, PSI Magnet, introduced in “EarthBound Beginnings”. In “EarthBound”, it has two levels of strength: α (Alpha) and Ω (Omega).

Both versions of PSI Magnet will have the user absorb some of the enemy’s PP (Psychic Points) to restore their own, but only if the foe has any. While the α version only targets one foe, the Ω version will target all available enemies. In addition, PSI Magnet can absorb anywhere between 2 to 8 PP.

As Super Smash Bros. doesn’t use PP for Ness, its healing properties may be inspired by the move Lifeup, which can restore the user's or an allies HP. (Hit Points)

Notably, Ness isn't able to learn PSI Magnet in "EarthBound", but his girlfriend Paula can, as well as his friend Prince Poo. Ness can learn Lifeup, though. 

Final Smash: PK Starstorm

Ness strikes a pose as Paula and Poo appear behind him.

Ness then shouts “PK… Starstorm!!” as he and his friends summon meteors! The Meteors spawn at the top-center of the stage, and spread out in a “fan-like” pattern. You can control where they could fall by moving the Control Stick left or right.

Inspired by the move, PSI Starstorm, introduced in “EarthBound”. In “EarthBound”, it has two levels of strength: α (Alpha) and Ω (Omega). PSI Starstorm will target all enemies and deal massive damage. It never misses, though it can be reflected if one has enough PSI Shields stacked.

Notably, Ness isn't able to learn PSI PK Starstorm in "EarthBound", but his friend Prince Poo can.

Additional Notes 

Ness’s Forward Smash, Batter Up, can reflect projectiles back at the foe! You really need to time it well to make this move work, though.

Ness’s trophy in “Super Smash Bros. Melee” states that Paula was the one that taught him how to use PK Fire, PK Thunder, and PSI Magnet. Meanwhile, one of Ness’s trophies in “Super Smash Bros. Brawl” states that Poo taught him how to use PK Starstorm.

Despite being American, Ness has always been voiced by the Japanese voice actress, Makiko Ōmoto, who gives him a fake American accent.

In “EarthBound”, once Ness hits level 16, he'll occasionally start to feel homesick, which can cause his attacks to be weaker, and even potentially miss. This can be cured by calling home or by visiting and talking to his mother. By level 76, Ness will stop feeling homesick.
When “EarthBound” game to America, Ness was given a different clay model that made him look slightly older compared to the Japanese one.
Ness bares a similar appearance to Ninten, the protagonist of EarthBound's prequel, “EarthBound Beginnings". Notable differences between Ness and Ninten is that Ness wears his cap on a different side, and that Ness wears a backpack.
Ness's mother bares some resemblance to another character from EarthBound Beginnings, Ana. Because of this, some people believe that Ness's mother and unseen father are Ana and Ninten, but this has never been confirmed or denied.

A character who sports a similar appearance to Ness shows up in some early footage and promotional images from the scrapped game, EarthBound 64. (which was later remade for the Game Boy Advance as Mother 3) While some speculate that this IS Ness, it's believed that this Ness look-a-like may have been an early design for Lucas's older twin brother, Claus, before he was redesigned later on.

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