Thursday, January 13, 2022

Kirby and the Forgotten Land's release date revealed; co-op confirmed!

Nintendo released a new trailer for Kirby and the Forgotten Land, which showed off more info for the upcoming Nintendo Switch game.

Two new Copy Abilities were shown off: Drill and Ranger. Drill has Kirby wear a giant Drill Hat, allowing him to dig underground and move around. Popping back up to the surface will have Kirby defeat anyone above him.

Ranger has Kirby wear an explorer's cap, as well as equip himself with a popgun that can fire star-shaped energy beams, allowing him to snipe at foes from afar. He can even charge it up to fire a more powerful blast!

Returning abilities also shown throughout include Bomb, Tornado, Hammer, Crash, Sword, and Fire.

You can also play the game with a friend! The second player controls Bandana Waddle Dee. While he can't Copy foes like Kirby can, he does carry a spear to attack foes with. A few of the moves seen are Bandana Waddle Dee tossing spears at faraway foes, and twirling the Spear above him to fly above the ground while simultaneously dropping small darts to foes down below him.

A bit of the game's story was also shown. Turns out that this "Forgotten Land" is home to Waddle Dee Town, where - who else? - Waddle Dees live. However, a mysterious - yet kind of adorable - group who call themselves the Beast Pack are capturing the citizens of Waddle Dee Town for unknown reasons.

Kirby also meets a flying mouse-like creature, who decides to tag along on Kirby's  - and Bandana Waddle Dee's - quest to rescue the Waddle Dees and stop the Beast Pack.

Speaking of which, Waddle Dee Town serves as the central hub for the game. Kirby can partake in various minigames here, such as serving Waddle Dees food, or even going fishing. There's even a little gachapon machine nearby where Kirby can collect in-game figurines!

The second-to-last shot of the trailer reveals that Meta Knight may also involved in the story in some way, as he flies towards Kirby to attack. It could also be possible that he's an opponent Kirby can face in the town's colosseum.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land will be released on March 25th, 2022.

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