Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Xenoblade Chronicles 2's Pyra and Mythra join Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!

Nintendo held their first Nintendo Direct for 2021 today, and to kickstart it off, they revealed Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's #79 fighter: Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2! (Much to the surprise of her Driver, Rex.)

Utilizing the power of the Aegis, Pyra can use her power of flame in conjunction with her swordplay to really turn the heat up in battle! A few of the attacks she's seen using are Smash Flare, Flame Nova, Prominence Revolt, and Blazing End.

Pyra's not going in alone though. Pyra's "sister" Mythra will also be fighting alongside her as fighter #78! During battle, Pyra and Mythra can switch places with each other on the spot. Pyra seems to embody the "strong-but-slow" archetype while Mythra is the "fast-but-weak" one. Mythra utilizes her power of light, and some of the moves that she can use are Lightning Buster, Photon Edge, Ray of Punishment, Chroma Dust, and her signature Foresight ability.

Alongside them, they're also bringing a new stage with them! While the name of the stage hasn't been revealed, it involves the fighters riding atop of Azurda's back to do battle. (For those who don't know, Azurda is a companion of the game's protagonist, Rex, and Rex affectionately refers Azurda as "Gramps") As Gramps--I mean Azurda, swims through the Cloud Sea, other landmarks that Pyra, Mythra, and their friends go to show up in the background.

Additionally, Pyra and Mythra's friends - Nia the cat girl and her tiger Blade Dromarch, Tora and his Artificial Android Blade Poppi, Thunderbolt Zeke and his Blade Pandoria, and Special Inquisitor Morag and her Blade Brighid - may show up in the background to watch the fighters and cheer them on!

And we can't forget to mention Pyra and Mythra's Driver, Rex! Though he isn't a playable character - unless you count his Mii Outfit for the Mii Swordfighter - Rex still shows up to help Pyra and Mythra out in their battles against Nintendo's All-Stars! From what's been shown, it seems he'll show up whenever Pyra and Mythra taunt their opponents, as well as get more directly involved in the fight when Pyra and Mythra use their Final Smashes. (Burning Sword and Sacred Arrow respectively)

In addition, a special illustration drawn by the original game's character designer, Masatsugu Saito, was made for Pyra & Mythra getting into the game!

Pyra & Mythra are expected to arrive sometime in March next month. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's director, Masahiro Sakurai, will most likely do a showcase where he shows off their moveset in more depth, as well as what songs and Mii Outfits they'll bring with them.

As for who they are, Pyra and Mythra are major characters in Xenobalde Chronicles 2. Pyra is quite polite and friendly, while Mythra is slightly rude and reckless. The main protagonist, Rex, first meets Pyra towards the end of the Prologue, were he ends up unknowingly forming a life bond with her by touching her sword. Learning that she's trying to find Elysium, Rex decides to help her no matter what. During a crucial moment at the end of Chapter 3, Mythra reveals herself to the group and explains that Pyra is an alternate personality she made, though despite that the two view each other as sisters. Following that, you use Mythra a few times during Chapter 4, and starting at Chapter 5 you can freely switch between the two.

Pyra & Mythra are part of the Fighter Pass Vol. 2 for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and will be available to purchase for $5.99 (in the US) or $7.55 (in Canada). One can also purchase the full Fighter Pass Vol. 2 for $29.99 (US) or $37.79 (Canada), which, in addition to coming with Pyra & Mythra, also comes with the previous three DLC Fighters: Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy VII), Min Min (from ARMS), Steve (from Minecraft), as well as two future DLC fighters who will be revealed later on. In addition, purchasing the full Fighter Pass Vol. 2 will also give you a costume for your Mii Swordfighter, the Ancient Soldier Gear from "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild."

Watch Pyra & Mythra's Reveal Trailer here!


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