Tuesday, February 15, 2022

EarthBound and its prequel finally arrive on Nintendo Switch!

It took a while, but it's finally happened: EarthBound has finally arrived to Nintendo Switch's SNES online service! Not only that, but it's prequel, EarthBound Beginnings, tags along as well on the NES version of the online service!

EarthBound stars a young boy named Ness, who is awoken from his sleep from a meteorite landing near his house. From the meteor emerges a small bee-looking creature named Buzz-Buzz, who warns Ness of an upcoming disaster that will be caused by an evil being called Giygas. Ness isn't alone, as he'll meet some new friends along the way on this trip, such as the kind Paula, the nerdy Jeff, and the stoic Prince Poo. Can Ness and his friends stop this evil alien's upcoming invasion?

EarthBound Beginnings is a prequel to EarthBound, and stars Ninten. Bizarre things are happening in his hometown of Podunk, so he decides to go out and investigate. This eventually leads him to the magical world of Magicant, where he meets the Queen, who asks for his assistance in locating the eight melodies. Along with some new friends - such as the shy Lloyd, the adorable Ana, and the rough 'n tough Teddy - Ninten will have to scour the land as he tries to locate the melodies and discover the source of all this weirdness going on!

These games will be available to play for as long as your subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online service.

If you would like some in-depth info on the character of Ness, click here! Be warned: there are spoilers.

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