Monday, March 8, 2021

Super Smash Bros. Fighters - Pokémon series - 08 Incineroar

Super Smash Bros. Fighters - Pokémon series - 08 Incineroar

In the Pokémon series: Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon (2016)
In the Super Smash Bros. series: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2017)

Boxing Ring Title: The Ring's Raging Flame

Theme Song:Battle! (Trainer) - Pokémon Sun / Pokémon Moon 

Incineroar: the Heel Pokémon. Fire and Dark Type. #727 in the Pokédex. Incineroar is the evolved form of Torracat, who is the evolved form of Litten, who is one of the three starter Pokémon in the Alola region. If you chose the Water Type Popplio, then your friendly rival Hop would choose Litten. Litten evolves into Torracat at level 17, and into Incineroar at level 34.

As a species, Incineroar are energetic, and love to fight! In battle, it tends to disregard the safety of both its opponents and the on-lookers, sometimes even attacking an opposing trainer. There are times it'll even ignore the commands of its trainer if it doesn't feel like listening. That being said, Incineroar finds fighting opponents it deems "unworthy" boring, and it can quickly lose interest fighting because of it. Weak or injured opponents also cause this, though some foes are known for taking advantage of that to get the upperhand. Incineroar values the attention of the audience, if they are excited, its spirit goes up as it gives it's all. If they are bored, its confidence starts to falter. While it tends to act like a heel, Incineroar is very happy internally when receiving the admiration of children or young Pokémon. Oh, and that flame belt on it? It's something that Incineroar produced itself. The belt tends to burn brightly as Incineroar's spirit goes up. Incineroar have a higher chance of being male than female.

Notable Incineroar include Ash's Incineroar from "Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon." Back when he was a little Litten, he lived quite a harsh life before being found and taken in by an aging Stoutland. Since then, Litten has been repaying Stoutland's kindness by going off and bringing back whatever food he can find.

Litten makes his proper debut in the 1st episode "Alola to New Adventures!" where he was resting at the beach, only for Ash to accidentally step on his tail while he was chasing Pikachu, which didn't cause a very good first impression for Litten. In the seventh episode "That's Why the Litten is a Little Scamp!" Litten steals Ash's food, which frustrates him, but also motivates him to try and add Litten to his team. When Ash learns why Litten is stealing food, he decides to not catch Litten and let him live in peace with Stoutland. Later on in episode 16 "They Might Not Be Giants!" Litten helps Ash's Rowlet and Lana's Popplio return back to their trainers when they got separated, though after doing so he would run off back to his home.

In episode 21 "One Journey Ends, Another Begins..." Stoutland was trying to teach Litten how to use Fire Fang. During their lesson, Stoutland was growing tired and restless until he eventually collapsed. Litten ran off to find Ash, who would rush him to the Pokémon Center. After Nurse Joy check Stoutland's health, she gave some private confirmation that Stoutland wasn't going to live for much longer. The following day, Litten and Stoutland manage to make it back home, where Litten once again attempts to learn Fire Fang. When Litten still wasn't able to perform it, he decided to take a nap next to Stoutland.

The next day, Litten wakes up and discovers that Stoutland had disappeared. Frantic, Litten began searching for him all throughout Melemele Island to no avail. Arriving back home in defeat annd wracked with grief, Litten would cry into the night as a storm began to brew. Ash, Pikachu, and the rest of his Pokémon would later arrive to try and comfort Litten during this harsh time. The next day, the storm has ended, and Litten would wake up and see a cloud formation of Stoutland, seemingly smiling in approval. With newfound resolve, Litten would offer Ash a Sitrus Berry and then have a battle with Ash's Pikachu, during which he finally masters Fire Fang. And with that, Litten joins Ash's team.

Personality-wise, while initially somewhat distant, Ash's Litten would slowly start opening up to Ash and his friends. He would even gain a friendly rivalry with Ash's Rockruff. In episode 63 "Pushing the Fiery Envelope!" Litten would evolve into Torracat. As Torracat, he would develop a more serious, yet also respected, rivalry with Professor Kukui's Incineroar. In episode 143 "Fiery Surprises!" Torracat would evolve into Incineroar aftenr finally defeating Professor Kukui's Incineroar in the Alola Pokémon Tournament, though he would end up fainting from exhaustion afterwards.

Once Ash's adventures in Alola were over, Ash decided to have Incineroar - as well as the other Alola Pokémon  he caught - stay at Professor Kukui's Laboratory.

In Super Smash Bros., Incineroar isn't afraid to use dirty tricks to win the match! (He is the "Heel" Pokémon after all.) Regardless, he's excited to be fighting all of the interesting opponents in Super Smash Bros.!

Special Moves 

Neutral Special: Darkest Lariat

Incineroar spins around, whacking anyone nearby away from him. On the ground, it has high priority, so Incineroar can power through his foes attacks! Incineroar can also move forward slightly while using the move.

Inspired by the move, Darkest Lariat, introduced in "Pokémon Sun & Moon." Darkest Lariat is a Physical Dark Type move with a power of 85. The move ignores any of the opponents stat changes to deliver a powerful hit, which can be useful if the opponent buffed up their defensive, but not so much if the opponent's defenses were lowered. Darkest Lariat was the Signature Move of Incineroar until "Pokémon Sword & Shield."

Incineroar learns this move the instant Torracat evolves into Incineroar. 

Side Special: Alolan Whip

Incineroar rushes forward with his arm outstretched. If he grabs someone, he tosses the opponent behind him towards some wrestling ring ropes that appear behind them. The opponent will bounce off of them back to Incineroar. Depending on when you press the Special Button will depend on what Incineroar will do.

If you press it too early, Incineroar will perform a back body drop on the opponent, flinging them into into the air.

If you press it too late - or not at all - Incineroar will take damage as the foe collides with him. The foe takes damage as well and get slightly flung away from Incineroar.

If you time it just right, Incineroar will perform a powerful lariat on the opponent, flinging them away!

If something happens to the opponent that prevents them from being attacked by a followup from Incineroar, he'll look to the screen and shrug.

This move is original to Super Smash Bros., though the perfectly timed hit could be based on the move, Throat Chop, introduced in "Pokémon Sun & Moon." It has a power of 80, and prevents the foe from using sound-based moves for two turns. It was one of the Signature Moves of Incineroar until "Pokémon Sword & Shield."

Incineroar needs to visit the Move Relearner to learn Throat Chop. 

Up Special: Cross Chop

Incineroar jumps into the air, dragging any nearby foes with him. Incineroar than dives forward in a diagonal direction, and causes a small fiery explosion upon hitting the ground.

Inspired by the move, Cross Chop, introduced in "Pokémon Gold & Silver." Cross Chop is a Physical Fighting Type move with a power of 100, an accuracy of 80%, with an increased chance for Critical Hits. The flame effects shown here are original to Super Smash Bros.

Incineroar learns this move in the later levels. 

Down Special: Revenge

Incineroar puffs out his chest.

Anyone who hits him causes Incineroar's belt to erupt in flames and fling the foe away from him!

Not only that, but Incineroar's fur will now be glowing! This indicates that Incineroar has been "Powered Up" and that his next attack will be devastating! Follow up with a Smash Attack, or maybe the Alolan Whip. Just don't take too long deciding, Revenge's power boost only lasts for 60 seconds, and the timer decreases quickly if your attack misses. The power boost will be lost immediately if Incineroar is grabbed and tossed.

Inspired by the move, Revenge, introduced in "Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire." Revenge is a Physical Fighting Type move with a power of 60 and lowered priority of -4. This ensures the user will go last unless another Pokémon uses a move with lower priotrity or uses Revenge and is slower. (in case of a speed tie, it's randomly decided who attacks last) While it's power is always 60, if user happens to get hit by an attacking move, the move's power doubles to 120. The flame effects shown here are original to Super Smash Bros.

Incineroar can learn this move through the use of a TM. 

Final Smash: Max Malicious Moonsault

Incinium Z flashes above Incineroar's head before he charges forward. If he happens to grab someone, he and the opponent teleport to a wrestling ring where Incineroar performs the Irish--I mean, Alolan Whip and then uppercuts the foe into the air before chasing after them, barraging them with a drop kick and another uppercut.

Incineroar then flies above the foe and performs a Diving Battering Ram on them...

and proceeds to slam both of them back down to the middle of the wrestling ring as a giant explosion occurs!

After which, both Incineroar and the foe return to the stage as the foe goes flying away. If anyone happens to be nearby when Incineroar grabbed his foe, they will also get flung away when the two return to the stage.

Inspired by the move, Malicious Moonsault, introduced in "Pokémon Sun & Moon." Malicious Moonsault is a Z-Move exclusive to Incineroar that has a power of 180, though it can double to 360 if the foe Incineroar is targeting used Minimize beforehand. To use it, the player needs the Z-Ring, the Incinium Z-Crystal, and an Incineroar that knows the move Darkest Lariat. Once they give their Incineroar the Z-Crystal, going into battle and selecting Z-Move will allow the player to use Malicious Moonsault, where Incineroar summons a Wrestling Ring around the opponent before rushing on over to leap on top one of the turnbuckles, engulf itself in flames, and then perform a powerful 450° splash on them.

Additional Notes 

Being a Fire type, Incineroar takes additional damage in the water if he falls in, so don't go swimming in there for too long!

Incineroar will strike poses after performing certain moves. If he hits the foe, he'll be happy, but if he misses, he'll be frustrated. These poses can be interrupted whenever you want, so no need to worry about leaving yourself open.

One of Incineroar's alternate colors resembles his Shiny form!

One of Incineroar's victory animations has him hold up a Championship belt!

Incineroar was not the initial choice to represent the 7th generation of Pokémon. Decidueye was. Decidueye is a Grass and Ghost Type Pokémon who is the evolved form of Dartrix who is the evolved form of Rowlet, who is one of the three starter Pokémon of the Alola Region. Masahiro Sakurai changed his mind on adding Decidueye when he thought Incineroar would be more interesting since he never made a fighter with professional wrestling-based moves before.

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